Dear Readers,
A few of you have mentioned that there exists an issue of one kind or another regarding the comment form. Some of you have reported struggles with commenting- that the form in different ways inhibits comments, or destroys them, or blocks them, other things that are equally frustrating
I am trying a few different things which will hopefully remove the problems some of you are
experiencing with the comment form. Please bear with me as I try this and that. In the end, if comment issues still exist I will change the template, necessitating a redesign. I mention that because a redesign is shocking and upsetting to some. I'm just letting you know ahead of time as I experiment with the forms and template and widgets. It's important to me that commenting be as easy as possible. This blog is for encouragement and edification and instruction, and my interaction with brethren and your interaction with me is a very important part of building each other up.
On another note, I am working on a blog entry that will be a repository for all the Beth Moore blog essays I've written. They will be all in one place. It will also include links to others' essays such as Tim Challies and Mike Abendroth and Matt Slick who have concerns with her teaching. Once it's done I am going to put a link to the essay containing all BM essays on the right menu and take down all the others. This will free some space on the side menu. If there are links or things you'd like to see on the side menu please let me know.
The changes I've made today on the comment template are: removing the comment verification step, and changing the form from being on the same page as the essay to a pop-up in a separate window. I'm trying the easier and simpler things first. Thanks very much for your patience. If you'd like to correspond, my email is way down on the right menu bar. Thanks again.
A few of you have mentioned that there exists an issue of one kind or another regarding the comment form. Some of you have reported struggles with commenting- that the form in different ways inhibits comments, or destroys them, or blocks them, other things that are equally frustrating
I am trying a few different things which will hopefully remove the problems some of you are
experiencing with the comment form. Please bear with me as I try this and that. In the end, if comment issues still exist I will change the template, necessitating a redesign. I mention that because a redesign is shocking and upsetting to some. I'm just letting you know ahead of time as I experiment with the forms and template and widgets. It's important to me that commenting be as easy as possible. This blog is for encouragement and edification and instruction, and my interaction with brethren and your interaction with me is a very important part of building each other up.
On another note, I am working on a blog entry that will be a repository for all the Beth Moore blog essays I've written. They will be all in one place. It will also include links to others' essays such as Tim Challies and Mike Abendroth and Matt Slick who have concerns with her teaching. Once it's done I am going to put a link to the essay containing all BM essays on the right menu and take down all the others. This will free some space on the side menu. If there are links or things you'd like to see on the side menu please let me know.
The changes I've made today on the comment template are: removing the comment verification step, and changing the form from being on the same page as the essay to a pop-up in a separate window. I'm trying the easier and simpler things first. Thanks very much for your patience. If you'd like to correspond, my email is way down on the right menu bar. Thanks again.
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