Wednesday, October 29, 2014

We've gone from ministering and serving to releasing. Yes, words matter

Release the hounds!

The phrase 'release the hounds' comes from fox hunting. Photo source

Release the Kraken!

Release the Kraken! is a catchphrase and image macro series based on a memorable quote uttered by Zeus in the 1981 fantasy adventure film The Clash of the Titans as well as the 2010 3D remake. Despite the dramatic delivery of the line in the reboot, the quote was perceived as unintentionally funny and quickly became a target of image macro jokes on the web.

You've heard the word "release" applied to many different cultural contexts, above are two examples. The word 'release' has also been used more frequently these days in Christian situations. "Release" is a frequently used word. It is a very bad word in Christianity. I don't like it.

Why? It isn't used to say that prisoner Barabbas was released. It isn't used to say that Paul was released from jail. It isn't used in the Old Testament way to indicate a release from debt in the Sabbatical Year (Deut 15:1).

The word 'release' is used as a substitute for ministering or serving. When we minister or serve, we are under someone or under an authority. When we release, it means we have the power over something or someone. Here are some examples.

Compassion International has edited their mission statement to say, "our mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name."

What they are saying is that they have the power over poverty and the authority to release from it the people whom they choose, in this case, 'children'. They are not saying they are serving or ministering to children in poverty. They are saying they have the power over poverty.

False teacher Joseph Prince preaches how to "release the anointing into your situation."

Prince is slyly saying that we have an anointing but there is a trick to releasing it. Most false teachers strive to tell you some kind of secret or action or trick to releasing it. However, this mysterious anointing isn't mysterious and it isn't laying dormant until you learn the secret password to having power over it. The anointing is the Holy Spirit in us, and all Christians have the Spirit. (1 John 2:27, more here ).

What Prince is saying is not that we submit to the Spirit, or minister in the Spirit, but that we can obtain a certain kind of power that we wield as we wish, for ourselves, into ourselves.

Word faith false prophetess Joyce Meyer tells us "What words you choose will reveal what you believe and release the power of that belief."

She is not saying submit to Jesus in faith and belief, she is saying we have the power to choose certain words that have power in and of themselves, and moreover, these words can release certain powers over myself at my behest, timing, and choosing.

And so on. There is a big difference between ministering and releasing.

Do we have power to release anointings, blessings, beliefs, finances, health, cures, or anything else? No.

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. (Romans 13:1)

Pilate said. "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?" Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin.” (John 19:10b-11)

To suppose that we have any power on our own is unbiblical.

Now, some might argue that these teachers are not false, that they are saying we are releasing power that God grants us. Not so again. We are His servants ... His slaves. Any power in us is from the Holy Spirit. We submit to that power. We serve that power. We minister in that power. God decides when and where His power in us is released, and to what degree. We do not decide when or how to use His power and certainly NOT for our own ends, like to get a bigger house, or a better parking space.

Be aware of the word 'release' and how it is used. It isn't always used in unbiblical contexts. But more and more often, it is.

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