Wednesday, December 2, 2015


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

Ontario auditor finds hydro consumers paid $37 billion for Liberal's decisions-By Keith Leslie, The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

TORONTO - Ontario electricity customers paid $37 billion for the Liberal government's decisions to ignore its own planning process for new power projects, and hydro rates will keep climbing, the province's financial watchdog warned Wednesday."We found the electricity planning process had effectively broken down over the past decade," said auditor general Bonnie Lysyk."Instead of following the legislated process, the Ministry of Energy itself effectively assumed responsibility for electricity planning."The ministry issued dozens of directives that "did not fully consider the state of the electricity market" and at times went against the advice of the Ontario Power Authority."Ontario electricity ratepayers have had to pay billions for these decisions," said Lysyk.The electricity portion of hydro bills rose 70 per cent between 2006 and 2014, which Lysyk said cost consumers $37 billion dollars in so-called Global Adjustment payments — and will cost ratepayers another $133 billion by 2032.Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli said the Global Adjustment is needed to encourage more companies to get into generation, and doesn't mean people paid too much for hydro."The words over paying don't enter into the equation," he said. "It is the true costs of providing generation in the province of Ontario, which is added onto the wholesale price which is not sufficient to cover off the generators."The auditor found electricity customers will also pay $9.2 billion more for wind and solar power under the Liberals' 20-year price guarantee for renewable energy generators.Chiarelli defended the Green Energy Act as a "Wayne Gretzky move — skating to where the puck was going to be" in terms of climate change, and said the government had developed a better planning process for future energy projects.The auditor said the lack of co-ordinated planning resulted in an additional cost of $408 million to pay generators for the increased power they produced, or for not producing power at the request of the system operator.Ontario's average annual electricity surplus between 2009 and 2014 was equal to the total power generation capacity of Manitoba, and its base load generation will exceed Ontario's demand by an amount equal to Nova Scotia's power needs for five years.In her annual report, Lysyk said the reliability of Hydro One, which owns the transmission grid, has "worsened considerably" and is at risk for more power failures.Its electricity distribution system to 1.3 million customers in rural and northern Ontario was consistently one of the least reliable in Canada, she said.The Liberals have said one reason they're selling 60 per cent of Hydro One, in addition to raising money for infrastructure, is to make the utility a more efficient company.Ontario's last coal-burning station in Thunder Bay was converted to biomass, but it has to import wood products from Europe to burn, pushing the cost of electricity it generates to 25 times higher than other biomass generators.Lysyk's report is also critical of the way the Liberals hand out taxpayers' money.Eighty per cent of $1.45 billion in funding from the Ministry of Economic Development and Employment went to companies the Liberals invited to apply, but they wouldn't provide the criteria used to select firms. Nine other ministries gave out another $1.8 billion in funding for similar projects, but there is no co-ordination of the spending, and no follow-up to see if the jobs created still existed after the funding ended."We've taken all of the economic development programs, the ones the auditor was looking at, and they're all now in one envelope," said Economic Development and Employment Minister Brad Duguid. "We've learned as we've gone."NDP Leader Andrea Horwath called the situation unbelievable."The Liberals give away free money, without any oversight, without any requirement for an application process," said Horwath.The Ministry of Finance gives over $1.3 billion in corporate income-tax credits targeted to economic development and jobs each year, but the Ministry of Economic Development "rarely considers these" when handing out business grants and loans.The Ministry of Research and Innovation does not track the $1.9 billion invested in research by Ontario universities over the past five years.The auditor also took the Liberals to task for poor oversight and inconsistent service levels at Community Care Access Centres and Local Health Integration Networks, and for not responding fast enough to reports of critical incidents at Ontario's 630 long-term care homes.The Progressive Conservatives call the auditor general's report "a compendium of Liberal failures."Follow @CPnewsboy on Twitter

Justin Trudeau billing taxpayers for nannies is 'hypocritical,' Lisa Raitt says-CBC – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

Conservative finance critic Lisa Raitt says it is "hypocritical" for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to bill taxpayers for nannies after he spent the last campaign telling voters he didn't need the Tory child tax benefit because he had more than enough money to support his children.CBC News reported Monday that taxpayers are paying the wages of two nannies who care for the children of Trudeau and his wife, Sophie GrĂ©goire-Trudeau. The hirings were approved late last week, with cabinet authorizing the appointment of the two women under the Official Residences Act as "special assistants" at the prime minister's residence.Kate Purchase, director of communications in the prime minister's office, told CBC News the Trudeaus employ "two household employees who, in addition to performing other duties around the house, act as secondary caregivers" to the couple's three children.In an interview with CBC News Tuesday, Raitt said during the campaign Trudeau said "he is one of the one per cent and he was speaking on behalf of them when he said 'we think we can pay a little bit more, I'm going to reject personally the Universal Child Care Benefit.'""But then in another guise [he] does accept taxpayer dollars … so that he can care for his kids by the use of two nannies funded by the state. I think that's hypocritical and I think he should take it out of his own salary," Raitt said.Trudeau said on the campaign trail that he opposed the Conservative child benefit plan because it sends "cheques to millionaires," adding that any government plan should help families who need a leg up, "not families like mine or Mr. Harper's."Raitt said Trudeau's latest move is a betrayal of those principles."The only man in Canada who makes $325,000 a year who is going to get taxpayer dollars for his child care is the prime minister of Canada and I think that's wrong," she said.The women will earn between $15 and $20 an hour for work during the day and a lower amount when working at night.'We still made it work without taxpayer dollars'-Raitt said that the Trudeau family should follow the lead of ministers in the previous Conservative government who juggled young families and busy careers by making alternate arrangements and paying out-of-pocket for their child care."My kids were 7 and 4 when I started … I never used taxpayer dollars in order to look after the needs of my children, that was something that I have to do in order to have a household. We still made it work without taxpayer dollars," Raitt, a former minister in the Harper government, said.Conservative Interim Leader Rona Ambrose said Trudeau's nannies have become a "political issue" because he made a point of rejecting the child benefit because of his family's wealth. Facebook posts raise security concerns-The two nannies in question have posted a number of pictures of the Trudeau children on their Facebook pages, including some shots from their recent trip to Paris with the prime minister.While travelling in Europe, one of the nannies also posted the location of the hotels the prime minister and his family were staying at while attending summits in Malta and Paris.After CBC News reported on the posts, the woman either removed them or tightened her security settings to obscure the content from public viewing."In terms of security, both women went through security clearances and we're very open with what the family is doing when they are with the prime minister," Purchase said when asked about the posts as a potential security risk.  "Beyond that, we don't comment on security considerations." Prime ministers face 'special situation,' former nanny says-Trudeau is not the first prime minister to have nannies on staff at his official residence.His father, Pierre Trudeau, employed a nanny to care for his three young boys after he and their mother divorced.Isabelle LeCointee, who was the Trudeau family nanny from 1981 to 1984, said she doesn't have a problem with the current arrangement."I don't think we can compare the situation of the prime minister and everyone's family," LeCointee said in an interview with Alan Neal on CBC Radio's All in a Day. "I can understand people thinking that it's our money, like it's my money too. But at the same time, I think it's a special situation. We have to take that into consideration, too."Progressive Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney also had a nanny on staff.Mulroney faced controversy after he pledged to personally pay for the nanny, but later reneged on that promise and had the government foot the bill.His then-chief of staff, Fred Doucet, defended the move, saying that the woman was actually a maid who "interfaces with the children in a habitual way."Laureen Harper, the wife of the former prime minister, left her career behind to become a stay-at-home mom after her husband was elected.In a 2007 interview, Harper said she didn't hire a nanny, she makes her kids' lunches and that they are just an "average Canadian family."

Throne speech to focus on immediate priorities for new Trudeau government-By Joan Bryden, The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

OTTAWA - The Trudeau government's first throne speech is likely to be one of the shortest in Canadian history.Insiders say the speech, to be read by Gov. Gen. David Johnston on Friday, will be little more than a list of the new Liberal government's immediate priorities, with minimal rhetorical flourishes and no surprises.It won't mention every federal department.It won't recap every single promise made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the federal election campaign.Rather, it will be a brief recitation of the urgent promises Trudeau intends to move on over the coming year — those aimed at improving the lot of struggling middle- class Canadians foremost among them.The brevity and tight focus of the speech is modelled on throne speeches in the mother of Parliaments in the United Kingdom, which typically run less than 1,000 words and takes the Queen less than 10 minutes to read.The speech from the throne marks the start of a new session of Parliament, following the election Thursday of a new Speaker of the House of Commons.But while Liberals are still basking in the afterglow of their upset victory on Oct. 19, their triumphant return to the government side of the aisle in the Commons has been dampened by news that one of their veteran MPs, Mauril Belanger, is facing a devastating health crisis.Belanger, who had been in the running to become Speaker, was diagnosed late last week with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis — ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease. He withdrew from the race on Monday.The news cast a pall over a Liberal caucus meeting Wednesday to plot strategy for the imminent resumption of Parliament.A grim-faced Trudeau accompanied Belanger into the closed-door meeting, which MPs later said was very emotional.Cape Breton MP Rodger Cuzner had tears in his eyes as he spoke of Belanger."He's a great guy, he's truly respected, just an honourable, hard-working guy, smart, more than likely would've been a strong, strong candidate for Speaker," Cuzner said. "He loves this place ... It's tragic."Denis Paradis, a Quebec MP who remains in the running for Speaker, praised Belanger as "an excellent MP" and said Wednesday's caucus meeting was "hard."Halifax Liberal MP Geoff Regan and Toronto Liberal MP Yasmin Ratansi are also in the running to be Speaker, along with a lone Conservative MP, Bruce Stanton.In preparation for the return of Parliament, Trudeau appointed Wednesday 35 Liberal MPs to serve as parliamentary secretaries to his 30 cabinet ministers. The list includes a number of stars who were left out of cabinet, including Toronto MP Adam Vaughan, who becomes one of three parliamentary secretaries to the prime minister, and former Toronto police chief Bill Blair, who becomes parliamentary secretary to the justice minister.Being a parliamentary secretary is often a stepping stone to cabinet.The House will sit only until the end of next week before taking an extended Christmas break, returning in late January. The government intends to pass a ways and means motion giving effect to Trudeau's promises to cut the federal income tax rate on those earning between $44,700 and $89,401 a year, while imposing a higher bracket on the wealthiest once per cent who earn more than $200,000.Those tax promises will feature prominently in the throne speech, along with Trudeau's promise to replace the universal child care benefit with a more generous, tax-free child benefit that is geared to income.The speech is also expected to highlight promises to invest heavily in infrastructure to boost the sluggish economy, reform Parliament, change the electoral system, develop a new relationship with indigenous people and promote diversity through, among other things, bringing in 25,000 Syrian refugees.It will also reiterate Trudeau's commitment to repair Canada's relationship with the United States, work with the provinces to combat climate change, and bring to fruition the free trade agreement with Europe.


EUROPEAN UNION-KING OF WEST-DAN 9:26-27,DAN 7:23-24,DAN 11:40,REV 13:1-10


GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

2 PETER 2:5
5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

2 PETER 3:7
7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men

16 I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you( sudden) terror(ISM), consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.

GENESIS 16:11-12
11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her,(HAGAR) Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael;(FATHER OF THE ARAB/MUSLIMS) because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
12 And he (ISHMAEL-FATHER OF THE ARAB-MUSLIMS) will be a wild (DONKEY-JACKASS) man;(ISLAM IS A FAKE AND DANGEROUS SEX FOR MURDER CULT) his hand will be against every man,(ISLAM HATES EVERYONE) and every man's hand against him;(PROTECTING THEMSELVES FROM BEING BEHEADED) and he (ISHMAEL ARAB/MUSLIM) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.(LITERAL-THE ARABS LIVE WITH THEIR BRETHERN JEWS)

ISAIAH 14:12-14
12  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,(SATAN) son of the morning!(HEBREW-CRECENT MOON-ISLAM) how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14  I (SATAN HAS EYE TROUBLES) will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.(AND 1/3RD OF THE ANGELS OF HEAVEN FELL WITH SATAN AND BECAME DEMONS)

ISAIAH 33:1,18-19 Woe to thee that spoilest,(destroys) and thou wast not spoiled;(destroyed) and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil,(destroy) thou shalt be spoiled;(destroyed) and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.
18 Thine heart shall meditate terror. Where is the scribe? where is the receiver? where is he that counted the towers?
19 Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stammering tongue, that thou canst not understand.

JOHN 16:2
2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.(ISLAM MURDERS IN THE NAME OF MOON GOD ALLAH OF ISLAM)

Israel demolishes Jerusalem home of Palestinian who killed 2 police officers last year-By The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

JERUSALEM - Israel on Wednesday demolished the home of a Palestinian who killed two officers and wounded several others in an attack last year, police said.Police spokeswoman Luba Samri said security was out in force Wednesday in the Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem.Police have said Ibrahim Al-Akri drove his minivan into a train platform then attacked bystanders. He was shot dead at the scene.Israel is currently struggling to contain near-daily Palestinian attacks that have been ongoing for over two months with no signs of relenting. Palestinians have killed 19 Israelis in stabbings, shootings and attacks in which cars or other vehicles were used to run over or ram into pedestrians. At least 100 Palestinians have been killed, including 65 said by Israel to be attackers. The rest were killed in clashes with Israeli forces.Last month, Israel renewed a policy of demolishing homes of Palestinians accused of carrying out deadly attacks.___This story has been corrected to show that the demolition took place in the Shuafat refugee camp, not the Palestinian neighbourhood.

British parliament votes to bomb Islamic State in Syria-By Elizabeth Piper and Kylie MacLellan | Reuters – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's parliament voted on Wednesday to launch bombing raids against Islamic State in Syria, supporting Prime Minister David Cameron's case that the country needs to help destroy militants who are "plotting to kill us".After more than 10 hours of tense debate, lawmakers voted in favor of air strikes, by 397 to 223. British Tornado GR4 bombers could leave an air base in Cyprus within hours to launch the country's latest military action in the Middle East.Given Britain's diminished role on the world stage, the victory hands Cameron the chance to restore Britain's standing in global affairs. He had urged lawmakers not to turn their back on allies such as France in their time of need."Britain is safer tonight because of the decision that the House of Commons has taken," foreign minister Philip Hammond told Sky News.Many British voters are wary of being dragged into another war in the Middle East. Some view Western intervention in Iraq and Libya as a failure that sowed chaos across the region and the news of the vote was met by howls of disgust by dozens of anti-war protesters demonstrating outside parliament.But the Nov. 13 attacks on Paris that killed 130 people and were claimed by Islamic State have stiffened the resolve of some lawmakers and divided the opposition Labour Party, which convinced Cameron he could win the support of parliament for extending air strikes beyond Iraq.Cameron said the more than four-year Syrian civil war could not be resolved by military action alone, but that the strikes would "degrade" Islamic State militants - which he said should be called Daesh.Daesh is the pejorative word used by opponents or people who do not support Islamic State to refer to the jihadist group."These terrorists are plotting to kill us and to radicalize our children right now. They attack us because of who we are, not because of what we do," Cameron told a packed House of Commons, where many lawmakers sat on steps or stayed standing."The question is this: do we work with our allies to degrade and destroy this threat, and do we go after these terrorists in their heartlands, from where they are plotting to kill British people, or do we sit back and wait for them to attack us?"Germany's parliament is also expected to vote on Friday in favor of joining the campaign against Islamic State, although only to provide military support for air strikes, not actually to take part in them.CALL TO ARMS-British air strikes are unlikely to change the military balance, given the United States is already involved, but the vote handed Cameron the chance to show Britain's willingness to add to a Western consensus for taking the battle to militants in Syria.Cameron said high-precision, laser-guided Brimstone missiles would help to make a real difference by hitting the de facto Islamic State capital of Raqqa and its oil-trading business.France and the United States are already bombing Islamist militants in Syria, while Russia has bombed mainly other rebels, according to conflict monitors and Western officials, in an intervention launched on Sept. 30 to bolster its ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The West says Assad must go.The vote also boosts Cameron after he suffered a humiliating 2013 parliamentary defeat over plans to bomb Assad's forces.But it is a blow to the leader of Britain's main opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who was against launching the air strikes.Corbyn, a veteran anti-war campaigner who argued the bombing would be ineffective and kill civilians, was forced to allow his lawmakers to vote according to their conscience in order to quell a rebellion in his party over the military action.Corbyn had hoped media reports that Cameron told Conservative lawmakers at a meeting late on Tuesday not to vote with the Labour leader "and a bunch of terrorist sympathizers" would harden opposition to the action.But many of his party voted with the prime minister, a move which may bring into question Corbyn's leadership.The British public is divided over launching the strikes, with a YouGov opinion poll showing voter support for action in Syria had fallen to the lowest level since September 2014, with 48 percent of respondents supporting strikes and 31 percent against.Those opposed to air strikes recalled the events of 2003 when Britain helped the United States to invade Iraq after asserting - wrongly, as it later turned out - that dictator Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.Julian Lewis, Conservative chairman of the Commons Defence Committee and a critic of extending air strikes to Syria, said the government was in denial about the effectiveness of bombing without deploying viable ground troops.Lewis compared Cameron's assertion that there are as many as 70,000 moderate opposition fighters in Syria with the "dodgy dossier" on Iraq's military capabilities."Instead of dodgy dossiers, we now have bogus battalions of moderate fighters," he said. (Additional reporting by William James, William Schomberg and Stephen Addison; Writing by Guy Faulconbridge and Elizabeth Piper; Editing by Mark Heinrich, Ruth Pitchford and Frances Kerry)

AP NewsBreak: Indiana governor asks archbishop to not bring Syrian refugee family to state-By Brian Slodysko, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

INDIANAPOLIS - Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has asked the state's Roman Catholic archbishop not to bring a Syrian refugee family into the state, Pence said Wednesday after the two met privately.Pence spent about an hour at his Statehouse office with Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph Tobin amid a dispute over the Republican governor's order blocking state agencies from assisting Syrian refugees in response to the deadly Paris attacks last month. One Syrian family being resettled by another refugee group was redirected to Connecticut as a result.The meeting happened a day after the archdiocese said it had donors willing to pay for the resettlement of a Syrian refugee family expected to arrive in Indiana later this month after a two-year vetting process."We had a good conversation today with Catholic Charities and I'm hopeful that they'll respect our wishes," Pence told The Associated Press after the meeting, adding he was "grateful" for the meeting.Tobin said the meeting focused on "issues of compassion and security," but would not say whether the archdiocese will still try to locate the family in the Indianapolis area like he previously called for.The debate puts Pence, who frequently touts his Christian faith and has cultivated a reputation as a defender of religious values, in the awkward spot of being at odds with a major faith-based organization.The Obama administration has said the vetting process for refugee resettlements is thorough and that states lack legal authority to block the funding. But Pence said Wednesday that in the wake of the attacks, he can't justify the making an exception for the Syrian family."There are significant gaps in our ability to know precisely what we need to know about everyone coming into this country," he said. But he pointed out that since his executive order was issued last month, 28 refugees from Burma and the Congo have settled in the state.Tobin said that he would "give serious consideration to what (Pence) said. He declined to offer details on the conversation but said there was "no blood on the floor.""My first consideration is not to objectify the family and make them an object of notoriety," Tobin said. "They are human beings ... Our desire is to respect human beings."Also Wednesday, Indianapolis-based Exodus Refugee Immigration requested a temporary hold on Pence's order. In a federal court filing, the organization said Pence's action would "frustrate and thwart" its mission of helping refugees and that it would be difficult to make up the lost government funding.States are given federal funding to distribute to refugees, including money for housing, food stamps and refugee Medicaid, which they receive for eight months.Exodus filed a federal lawsuit last week challenging Pence's order.A judge is scheduled to talk Monday with attorneys from both sides to set a hearing on the group's request for a temporary injunction.

Winnipeg property owners step up to offer rental units to Syrian refugees-CBC – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

Winnipeg property owners have answered the call for rental units to be made available to an anticipated influx of Syrian refugees.So far, at least six major companies have said they will make a total of 50 to 100 units available when refugees start arriving in the city."We don't have exact numbers for what people are giving up, but I'm 'guess-timating' that it's going to be in the hundreds of units — 50 to 100 at least already," said Avrom Charach, who speaks for the Professional Property Managers Association of Manitoba.Charach said he expects to hear of more companies getting on board later this week."We have property managers representing about 17,000 apartment units who've all said, 'Yes, we're in at various levels,' but I don't know exactly how many people are planning on making them available," he told CBC News.As for what the units will cost, Charach said property managers have no plans to "give them away for free" and expect fair market rates. Some may choose to offer discounts, he added."We need a little bit of assurance that the rent is going to get paid and that the people understand that they have to follow Canadian-style apartment rental rules — which most of these people, if they were middle-class before they ended up stuck in the middle of this war, will understand," he said.Unusual circumstances-The circumstances are unusual and some of the newcomers might not pass "normal reference checks" as they may not be able to obtain credit information, Charach said."Some of these people may have very little ID. All they may have is some card supplied by the United Nations," he said."So if they were to walk in my door under normal circumstances, I'd be like, 'I can't rent to you. I don't really know who you are.' So the fact that we're saying to government, 'You send them to us and we'll take them on good faith' is a huge step."The provincial government has yet to confirm exactly how many property managers have offered rental units for Syrian refugees, but a spokesperson told CBC News that officials have already heard from a number of landlords.On Wednesday afternoon, Labour and Immigration Minister Erna Braun said the biggest question the province still has is how many refugees to expect.Braun told reporters that her counterparts across Canada have pressed the federal immigration minister for some numbers on Tuesday, but details remain unclear.Privately sponsored refugees are expected to be part of the first wave to land in Canada sometime before Jan. 1, while government-sponsored refugees are expected to start arriving in the new year, she said.

Stranded migrants clash with police on Greek-Macedonian border-Reuters – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

IDOMENI, Greece (Reuters) - Macedonian police fired tear gas at hundreds of mostly Pakistani migrants who tried to storm into the Balkan country from Greece on Wednesday demanding passage to wealthier northern Europe.About 1,500 Pakistanis, Moroccans and Iranians have been stuck in no-man's land between Greece and Macedonia for weeks after non-EU Balkan states began filtering migrants and granting passage only to refugees fleeing Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.Protests have swelled among desperate migrants stranded for days in squalid tent camps on the border near the Greek town of Idomeni in temperatures barely above freezing.Wednesday's violence broke out after about 200 people were denied passage and began walking, for several kilometers (miles), alongside a newly erected border fence, seeking an alternative opening.Macedonian police fired tear gas to push back the crowd and one officer fired warning shots in the air, a Reuters witness said.At dusk, about 500 migrants blocked the crossing for refugees in protest shouting: "If we don't cross, no one does!". Police stood guard. Buses full of migrants and refugees who have landed in other cities in recent days kept arriving.Tensions had already boiled over at the weekend after one migrant, believed to be Moroccan, was electrocuted and badly burned when he climbed on top of a rail wagon.More than 800,000 people, most fleeing war, persecution and poverty in the Middle East, have arrived in Europe this year. The continent has struggled to cope with the unprecedented stream of people.The decision to screen migrants based on nationality has drawn criticism from human rights groups that argue asylum requests should be treated on merit.Greek Migration Minister Yannis Mouzalas said the government was trying to persuade the estimated 1,500 migrants stuck at the border to come to Athens and apply for asylum in Greece, saying there was accommodation available for them.Some had told Greek officials they were willing to return to their home countries, but the Pakistani government was not responding to requests to readmit them and the International Organisation for Migration had no money to fly them home.(Reporting by Alexandros Avramidis; Writing by Karolina Tagaris; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky)

EU presses Greece over migrants, weighs Schengen threat-By Paul Taylor and Alastair Macdonald | Reuters – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

ATHENS/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Greece hit back on Wednesday at threats from some EU states to suspend it from the Schengen zone of open border travel because of its failure to control large numbers of migrants entering Europe.Some central European officials, most prominently Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, have suggested excluding Greece from Schengen. Diplomats and European Union officials say some governments have raised the possibility informally but it would be a largely symbolic move, with little impact on migration."It is not said officially, but there is pressure," Greek Migration Minister Yannis Mouzalas told reporters, denying a Financial Times report on Wednesday that Athens had, among other things, refused an EU offer of devices designed to share the identity data of incoming migrants around the bloc."These are very common lies for Greece ... This blame game towards our country is unfair," he said.Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, responding to a Financial Times report that he had conveyed a suspension warning on a visit to Athens this week, said he delivered no ultimatum but had urged Greece to cooperate with EU agencies in order to dispel talk of excluding it from Schengen."We have to make sure that people aren't talking in Brussels about ... pushing Greece out of Schengen," Asselborn told Reuters. "That's something we must avoid at all costs.""We are working to maintain Schengen and make it work properly," an EU official said. "The moment of truth will be the December European Council," the official said, referring to the next meeting of EU leaders in Brussels in two weeks' time.Clashes erupted on the Greek-Macedonian border on Tuesday when Macedonian riot police fired tear gas to repel up to 1,000 mostly Pakistani migrants trying to force their way across a newly erected border fence, a Reuters witness said. One Macedonian officer fired warning shots in the air.Migrants later blocked the crossing for Syrians and others who would be let in as refugees. "If we don't cross, no one does!" they chanted. Police stood guard. Buses full of people who have landed elsewhere in Greece kept arriving.Frustration has risen in recent weeks in the European Commission, the EU executive charged with ramping up controls on the external borders, and among EU governments that Greece is failing to make use of available EU funds and personnel to ensure people arriving in the Schengen area are documented.With no land borders with the rest of the 26-nation Schengen area, Greece has allowed hundreds of thousands of people, many of them Syrian refugees, to travel from its islands off the Turkish coast across Greece to the northern border with non-EU Macedonia as they head for Germany. Mouzalas said that as long as Turkey did not shut down people smugglers operating on its coastline, Athens could not stop frail boats packed with refugees from landing on Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. He said he had taken EU ambassadors out to sea to watch arrivals and asked what Athens should do."They don't dare to ask us 'drown them', but if you do push-back on a plastic boat in the middle of the sea with 50 or 70 refugees aboard, you're asking me to drown them," the minister said.-"TOOL" TO PUSH GREECE-EU diplomats said suspending Greece from the open-border rules - activating Article 26 of the Schengen treaty so that people arriving at ports and airports from Greece were treated as coming from outside the Schengen zone - could be discussed at a meeting of EU interior ministers on Friday.However, some also said that Greece appeared to be moving now to implement EU measures to control migrants and so a common front against Athens was unlikely as early as this week."It's a tool for pushing Greece to accept EU help," one senior diplomat said. Since migrants have rarely used airlines or international ferries, the main impact of other Schengen states imposing passport checks on arrivals from Greece would be on Greeks and tourists who are vital to the Greek economy.Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius told Reuters: "It was said because of (Greece's) reluctance to protect the border. But now the latest signals are coming that they are taking these measures finally."EU officials accept Greek criticism that other states have failed to organize facilities to take in refugees but say Athens, despite the economic problems that saw it nearly drop out of the euro zone this year, could do more.Mouzalas said Greece had spent 1 billion euros in additional unbudgeted funds from its strained budget this year on coping with the refugee influx, and had received a mere 30 million euros so far in EU assistance due to bureaucracy on both sides.He welcomed EU border agency Frontex assistance to register refugees but said that under Greek law, only Greek forces could patrol its border.(Reporting by Alastair Macdonald, Francesco Guarascio and Gabriela Baczynska in Brussels, Paul Taylor and Karolina Tagaris in Athens and Alexandros Avramidis in Idomeni, Greece; Editing by David Stamp and James Dalgleish)

Detain migrants for up to 18 months: EU's Tusk-Reuters – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Irregular migrants to Europe should be detained for as long as needed to check their identity and if need be up to the 18 months allowed by international law, European Council President Donald Tusk said.In an interview with several newspapers marking his first year in office, the man whose job it is to forge common EU policy among 28 national governments said Europe had to stop a huge influx of migrants, most of them not refugees from war, and should not underestimate the security threat it represented.Tusk, a former Polish prime minister, played down differences with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has taken a lead in accepting hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. But he stressed that it was a priority to protect the external frontiers of Europe's internal, passport-free Schengen zone.Speaking two weeks after the Islamic State attacks in Paris, in which some of the militants may have reached France from Syria via the migration route to Greece, Tusk said border guards needed time to properly identify people who were arriving in the EU.Stating that international and EU rules allowed detention up to 18 months for such checks, he was quoted by Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung as saying: "We can and should hold migrants for as long as needed until the verification is complete."Italy and Greece, the main countries of entry to the EU for irregular migrants, have been reluctant to detain people and the United Nations says people seeking asylum should be locked up only as a last resort. EU officials, however, have grown impatient with large numbers of people simply trekking north to Germany."It's too easy to get into Europe," Tusk said. "It is often said that we must be open to Syrian refugees. But these are only 30 percent of the inflow. Seventy percent are (economic) migrants. Also for this reason we need more effective controls."Asked about Merkel's push for other EU states to do more to take in asylum-seekers, Tusk said he could only persuade her opponents to help Germany if the EU was protecting its borders. He also questioned the view that migration pressure was too great to be stopped and could only be managed and distributed."This wave of migration is too big not to be stopped," Tusk said, saying that even Germany could not take an endless number.(Reporting by Alastair Macdonald @macdonaldrtr; Editing by Frances Kerry)

Italy and Canada to discuss joint police training mission in Iraq: Dion-By Murray Brewster, The Canadian Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

BRUSSELS - The scope of the Trudeau government's reconfigured mission in Iraq will be broader than just the military and could include a sizable police training contingent, Canada's foreign affairs minister said Wednesday.Stephane Dion found himself repeatedly buttonholed in the polished hallways of NATO headquarters over the last two days, sometimes by countries eager for Canada to join their endeavours, as the United States made clear it expects allies to do more in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant."It's more than just military, but it's always about security," Dion told The Canadian Press in an interview."You can't have security only with military. You have security when people feel secure with their institutions and they believe in them."One of his nine bilateral meetings included the Italian foreign minister and the possibility of Canada joining Italy in Iraq's Kurdish north. More than 100 Carabinieri — Italy's national police force — are training local police in areas recaptured from ISIL."Is it an area where we may have a contribution that would be welcome? It is something we have to discuss with the Americans, with the Italians and others," said Dion.He added that Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan is leading the drive to recraft the mission following the withdrawal of CF-18 jetfighters from combat, which is expected to happen sometime this winter.During the election campaign, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised a beefed-up mission to train local forces in Iraq, over and above the existing 69 special forces instructors working the Kurdish peshmerga in the north of the country. The government has yet to provide details on what the mission would look like.The pressure is not only on Canada, but all NATO allies. Earlier Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a tough, unambiguous message, saying the United States expects them to do more in the war against ISIL.He told his 27 other counterparts that the international coalition "must strike at the core" of ISIL and strangle its efforts to set up networks elsewhere."I called on every NATO ally to step up its fight against Daesh," Kerry said, using the Arabic acronym for the militant group, also known as ISIL and ISIS."I was very gratified that a number of allies are already bringing more to this battle — or are planning to increase their contributions."He praised British Prime Minister David Cameron, whose Parliament is poised to vote on expanding airstrikes into Syria and Germany, which plans to deploy ships and surveillance aircraft to support operations against ISIL."It's a very important step, we applaud his leadership on it," said Kerry, who met with Dion one-on-one. "It is important for the world to join together in this initiative and we welcome Germany's efforts."Although he didn't reference the Canadian combat withdrawal, Kerry did give the Liberal government an opening by saying that there are a number of countries willing to step up and the contributions don't necessarily "have to be troops engaged in kinetic action."Kerry said the U.S. has specifically asked for special forces instructors, police trainers and so-called "enablers," such as transport and medical facilities.As a further reminder that Washington isn't prepared to let allies off the hook, he said the U.S. government will follow up with each country on a military-to-military basis as well as a diplomatic basis "in order to secure additional help."Also Wednesday, NATO foreign ministers formally invited the tiny Adriatic nation of Montenegro to join the alliance, despite opposition from Moscow. There was also discussion about fully reactivating the NATO-Russia Council, which, prior to the annexation of Crimea, had been a forum for dialogue between the former Cold War adversaries."I will now explore how we can use the council as a tool for political engagement," said secretary general Jens Stoltenberg, noting that the recent downing of a Russian fighter jet by Turkey along with other border incidents makes dialogue important.He insisted it is not a sign of weakening resolve in the face of the ongoing war in eastern Ukraine and for the moment the embattled country's foreign minister seemed prepared to accept the shifting position.Pavlo Klimkin, Ukraine's minister for foreign affairs, said he was for the moment satisfied that it "would not be a return to business as usual."Dion said there must be constructive engagement with Moscow, but added that Canada will insist that the situation in Ukraine be put on the agenda of any future council meeting.

Russian riviera' to become 29th Nato member By Andrew Rettman-EUOBSERVER

BRUSSELS, 2. Dec, 19:17-Montenegro, the tiny Balkan state beloved by yacht-owning Russians, was, on Wednesday (2 December), invited to start accession talks with Nato.“It is a great day for my country and for the alliance ... It is great news for the Western Balkans, for its unity and security," Igor Luksic, its foreign minister, told press.Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato chief, called it “another important step in the Euro-Atlantic integration of the entire Western Balkans region,” which “makes clear that Nato keeps its door open.”US secretary of state John Kerry added: “Countries have chosen of their own free will to want to join Nato to be part of a Europe that is whole and free and at peace. Nato is not a threat to anybody. It’s not an offensive organisation. It’s a defensive alliance.”The accession talks are set to start in early 2016.Stoltenberg noted that “work remains to be done” on “defence adaptation” and “domestic reform, especially rule of law.”He also urged Podgorice to “make progress in demonstrating public support” for the step.His remarks come amid violent protests against Montengerin PM Milo Dukanovic, who has ruled the country, on and off, since 1991, over corruption allegations.For his part, Luksic has accused Russia of whipping up the protests as a way of halting the Nato bid.Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, on Wednesday voiced Moscow’s displeasure, saying: “Moscow has always noted … that the continuing expansion of Nato and Nato’s military infrastructure to the east, of course, cannot but lead to response actions from the East, namely, the Russian side in ensuring security interests.”Srdjan Milic, the head of Montenegro’s opposition Popular Socialist Party, added most Montengerins don’t want to go ahead.“To extend an invitation ... represents an act of aggression against the peace, stability and security of our citizens,” he said, AFP reports.Montenegro, which is also known as the Russian riviera, because of the popularity of its deep water port with yacht-owning Russian tycoons, began preparatory Nato talks in 2009.Albania, Croatia, and Slovenia are already members. Macedonia is next in line, but is being blocked by Greece over a name dispute.Bosnia and Kosovo want to join. But Serbia, a historic Russian ally, doesn’t.-Ukraine-Stoltenberg and Kerry on Wednesday also met with Ukraine’s foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin.They held out an olive branch to Russia, but warned that EU and US economic sanctions are likely to stay in place.Stoltenberg said he has decided to restart meetings of the Nato-Russia Council, suspended last year over the Ukraine conflict, for the sake of “political contact and dialogue.”But he noted that “Russia has not withdrawn its troops or its equipment” from east Ukraine, adding “we see a real risk of a resumption of violence.”Kerry said Russia could be “an extremely constructive and important player” on the Syria war.But he also said: “if Moscow wants relief from sanctions … it’s there for the getting if you simply live up to the promises that have been made.”-Greek bombshell-For its part, Russia is cultivating relations with friendly governments in Cyprus and Greece to lobby on its side.The Greek defence minister, Panos Kammenos, on Wednesday contradicted Nato and US statements, which said the Russian SU-24 shot down by Turkey had invaded Turkish airspace."The attack took place in Syrian airspace. This is beyond doubt," Kammenos said, according to Russia’s Tass news agency."This is undoubtedly a military action in the territory of another state.”The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, who visited Cyprus the same day, noted: “"We appreciate Nicosia’s interests and the efforts that our Cypriot friends have been taking for the sake of normalising [EU] relations.""We regard Brussels’ freeze on relations with Russia as absolutely counter-productive.”

After 2 days of talks at NATO, Kerry says alliance's members ready to step up anti-IS fight-By Bradley Klapper, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

BRUSSELS - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that NATO members stood ready to step up military efforts against the Islamic State and held out hope of broadening co-operation between the West and Russia to end Syria's protracted civil war.After two days of meetings at NATO's headquarters in Brussels, Kerry said several alliance members were bringing more to the battle or would do soon. He didn't outline any fresh commitments specifically, saying plans would be announced only after foreign ministers first consult their governments at home.These steps would come on top of Germany's recent approval for sending forces and materiel for a non-combat support role near the Middle East, and a British vote Wednesday that could authorize expanded airstrikes by that country against IS in Syria.Kerry said he called on each of the other 27 members of alliance to do more to strike at the extremist group's core in Iraq and Syria and strangle its international networks. He said U.S. partners in the region, including NATO member Turkey, should receive defensive assistance.Kerry said military assistance wouldn't mean ground troops or direct fighting for some countries. The effort to expand operations, which has gained steam since last month's attack in Paris, will require more medical facilities, intelligence gathering, military support structure, refuelling operation, greater aerial defences and other action, he said."There are a number of things countries can do," Kerry told reporters.On Tuesday, U.S. Defence Secretary Ash Carter told Congress that the American military will deploy a new special operations force to Iraq to step up the fight against IS militants who hold territory there and in Syria. President Barack Obama previously announced he was sending fewer than 50 special operations forces to Syria.Kerry said Iraq's government was briefed in advance of the U.S. announcement. He said Washington would work with Baghdad on what types of forces deployed, where they go and what types of missions they conduct. He expressed "full and total respect" for al-Abadi's leadership, and said plans would go forward "in full consultation and with full consent of the Iraqi government."Kerry repeated Obama's argument from a day ago that no peace in Syria would be possible while its president, Bashar Assad, remained in power. But he said an international mediation effort that now includes Assad's backers — Russia and Iran — recognizes the need to maintain the Syrian state and key services such as health and education. Seeing those dismantled, as happened after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, would be "disastrous," Kerry said.He added that Russia and Iran continue to have a different view on Assad.But Kerry also said that Russia, if its focus on fighting IS is "genuine," could have a constructive effect in bringing peace.He didn't address whether the U.S. might be willing to bring Russia into its military effort against IS, as some members such as France have been proposing.The top NATO commander in Europe, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, said the coalition in Syria has come to terms with Russia over how to avoid incidents with the two forces operating in the same country _ if generally striking different targets. Russia has insisted it is also fighting IS, also known as ISIL.“The vast majority of their sorties are still against the moderate opposition and those forces that oppose Assad,” Breedlove said. “Whereas the coalition is focused almost entirely on ISIL.”___Mark Carlson contributed from Brussels.

Russian military: Turkish president Erdogan and family benefit from illegal IS oil trade-By Vladimir Isachenkov And Menelaos Hadjicostis, The Associated Press | The Canadian Press – DEC 2,15-YAHOONEWS

MOSCOW - Sharply raising the stakes in Moscow's spat with Ankara, Russia's top military brass on Wednesday accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family of personally profiting from oil trade with Islamic State militants.The bluntly-worded accusations follow Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane at the Syrian border last week, the first time a NATO member shot down a Russian aircraft in more than half a century. The fierce personal attack on Erdogan reflects the Kremlin's anger and signals that Russia-Turkey tensions will likely continue to escalate.The Russian Defence Ministry invited dozens of foreign military attaches and hundreds of journalists to produce what they said were satellite and aerial images of thousands of oil trucks streaming from the IS-controlled deposits in Syria and Iraq into Turkish sea ports and refineries."The main customer for this oil stolen from Syria and Iraq is Turkey," said Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov. "The top political leadership of the country, President Erdogan and his family, is involved in this criminal business."The Turkish leader has denied Russian President Vladimir Putin's earlier claims of Turkey's involvement in oil trade with the IS, and has pledged to step down if Moscow proves its accusations."No one has the right to make such a slander as to suggest that Turkey buys Daesh's oil. Turkey has not lost its moral values as to buy oil from a terror organization," Erdogan said in Wednesday's speech at Qatar University, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group, shortly after the Russian Defence Ministry made the claims. "Those who make such slanderous claims are obliged to prove them. If they do I would not remain on the presidential seat for one minute. But those who make the claim must also give up their seat if they can't prove it."The Russian plane's downing has badly strained the relationship between the two nations that had earlier developed close economic ties. Russia has responded by deploying long-range air defence missiles at its air base in Syria and slamming Turkey with an array of economic sanctions.Erdogan warned Wednesday that "if Russia's disproportionate reactions continue, we will be forced to take our own measures."Antonov, meanwhile, said that IS militants make $2 billion a year from the illegal oil trade, and he squarely put the personal blame on Erdogan."Maybe I'm speaking too bluntly, but the control over that thievish business could only be given to the closest people," Antonov said, adding that Erdogan's son heads a top energy company and his son-in-law has been named Turkey's energy minister."What a great family business!" Antonov said with sarcasm. "Obviously, no one but the closest people could be entrusted to control such dealings."Antonov didn't provide any specific evidence to back up the claims of personal involvement of Erdogan and his family in the oil trade with the IS."Turkish leaders, including Mr. Erdogan, won't step down and they won't acknowledge anything even if their faces are smeared with the stolen oil," he added.A Russian parliament member, Vasily Likachev, told state news agency Tass that Moscow has sufficient evidence on oil sales to file a claim with the UN International Court of Justice.U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner categorically rejected Russia's allegations."We never said oil smuggling from ISIL is not a problem," he said, using an alternative acronym for IS. But "there is no Turkish government complicity in some operation to buy illegal oil from ISIL. We just don't believe that to be true in any way, shape or form."Lt.-Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the Russian military's General Staff said Russian airstrikes on the IS oil infrastructure in Syria had halved the militants' profits. He said the Russian air raids have destroyed 32 oil production facilities, 11 refineries and 1,080 oil trucks since they began on Sept. 30.Turkey has said it downed the Russian plane after it intruded its airspace for 17 seconds despite numerous warnings, and has refused to apologize for the shoot-down. The Russian pilot was killed by militants after bailing out from the plane and a Russian marine was also killed on a rescue mission to retrieve a second pilot.Russia has insisted that its plane remained in Syrian airspace and has denounced the Turkish action as a "treacherous stab in the back."Erdogan has voiced regret over the incident, but Putin has made it clear that he expects a formal apology. The Russian leader refused to meet with Erdogan at a global climate in Paris, which they both attended Monday.Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Wednesday that he would agree to meet with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe meeting of foreign ministers in Belgrade, the Serbian capital."We will meet with the Turkish minister of foreign affairs, we will hear what he has to say," Lavrov said after talks with his Cypriot counterpart in Nicosia.He said the best way to stop the oil trade from IS-controlled territory into Turkey would be to close the Turkey-Syria border."We should do the obvious thing to stop the (oil) trade by closing the Turkish-Syrian border," Lavrov said, adding that Russian president Putin has made a similar proposal already in Paris."As far as I know, the United States and the anti-terror coalition already have invited Turkey to fulfil this and close the border, but efforts by just one state will not be enough and we should help," Lavrov said.___Hadjicostis reported from Nicosia, Cyprus. Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, and Nataliya Vasilyeva in Moscow contributed to this report.


13  If a man also lie with mankind,(ANOTHER MAN) as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

22  Thou shalt not lie with mankind,(ANOTHER MAN) as with womankind: it is abomination.

3 Without natural affection,(HOMOSEXUALS) trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate,(HARDENED SODOMITE RAINBOW GROUPERRS) nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

1  To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

ROMANS 1:18-32
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:(HOMOSEXUALITY,AND ALL SEX SINS)
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:(LESBIENS)
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,(SODOMITES) and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.(AIDS ETC)
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


GENESIS 1:27-28
27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28  And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,(HAVE LOTS OF CHILDREN) and replenish the earth,(HOMOSEXUALS CAN NOT REPLENISH THE EARTH WITH CHILDREN)(BY HAVING SEX WITH EACH OTHER) and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

GENESIS 2:21-24
21  And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22  And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23  And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24  Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

MATTHEW 19:4-6
4  And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5  And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Catholic trustees' LGBTQ policy debate concerns education minister-CBC – DEC 2,15- YAHOONEWS

Alberta Education Minister David Eggen said he is concerned about the way Edmonton Catholic school trustees dealt with second reading of a new draft policy to protect LGBTQ students.At a meeting Tuesday night, trustees debated and ultimately decided that the word discrimination should be modified by the word "unjust" in the line: "All members of the school community have the right to an environment free of discrimination, prejudice and harassment."Critics said the policy, which changed after first reading and a consultation period, is still too vague to adequately protect students.Eggen said board chairwoman Marilyn Bergstra met with him Wednesday morning and shares his concerns."They definitely steered in a different direction than what I was seeing a few days before," he said.The minister said he will stick to the March 31 deadline for all 61 school boards to have policies ensuring supportive, caring, respectful and safe learning environment for LGBTQ students.He also wants policies and procedures in place to help students set up gay-straight alliances and queer-straight alliances, if students ask for them."If Edmonton Catholic is a bellwether, then it does serve a purpose to remind all school boards of just what the gravity of the situation is, and what public expectations are as well," he said.


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