Saturday, October 12, 2013

Three great sermons: Phil Johnson, Tim Challies, Judy Luenebrink

Here are a few good thoughts, AKA God's word preached from good men and women.

I love a good sermon on the Old Testament prophets. I love a good sermon on wrath every now and then. Wrath is part of God's attributes, and we must study all of God's attributes in order to know Him completely. Learning about His wrath also sensitizes me to His grace. The comparison is astounding. You really know grace when you study wrath, and vice versa. I was under His wrath until I was saved, and this compare and contrast exercise always humbles me...and makes me love Him all the more. Old Testament sermons from credible men are hard to come by though. One of my favorite pastors, Pastor Phil Johnson, often preaches from the Old Testament. Recently he preached on Nahum in a sermon titled "Wrath Poured Out Like Fire ." It is tremendous.

I wrote recently about "Finding God's Will for Your Life ". I mentioned that God's will is for us is not necessarily to sell all our goods and run off to Burma as a missionary or otherwise to be excessively 'radical.' Christians living the regular life is what God calls most of us to do.

The issue was still on my mind as I perused the list of wonderful sermons to choose from at the Grace Community Church. Pastor Tim Challies from Toronto was a guest pastor at the GraceLife pulpit. He preached on "A Life Pleasing to God " from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12. He directly addresses the Radical craze and the Crazy Love craze and presents a theologically solid and thoroughly enriching sermon on how to please God with your life. Please take a listen, I am sure you will find it comforting.

I posted once before of the Women's Ministry of MacArthur's Grace Community Church. Judy Luenebrink is teaching through Hebrews. If you long for the softness of a woman's voice, teaching credibly with solid oversight, trustworthy content, and a gentle spirit, go through Hebrews with Mrs Judy. She is on her second lesson now, The Superiority of Jesus.
What better way to spend half an hour or so, learning how and why our gracious Savior is superior to all in the universe?

I wrote earlier today on my other blog about television before computers. I mused on whether the advent of computers was a good thing or not . It was both, I concluded. The upside of advanced technology is that I can listen or watch these wonderful edifying sermons. I love particularly on Saturday afternoons to cook soup and while I peel and chop, listen to the richness of God's word being preached and explained. I hope you find these sermons and the others on the links edifying to you as well.

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