Saturday, March 29, 2014

Interlude: Gratitude

I'm so grateful for my salvation! I am so blessed to be a new creation in Christ! He came down from Glory to die on a cross, and ascended to heaven again to prepare a place for us. He adopted me as His daughter, His heir, unconditionally. I'm thrilled to love a savior such as this. It's been ten years but it never gets old! As a matter of fact, life with Jesus gets better and better.

The overwhelming feelings of gratitude and humility that He loved me while I was still a sinner can't be put into words, can't even be contained on a blog or in my body or to the earth. My feeling of joy in the Lord is eternal, infinite, expansive, never-ending.

Thank You, Lord, that You were mindful of us, that You sought us, that You saved us. I am ever Your humble daughter seeking ways to glorify You- the only worthy One! What a privilege you gave me, eternity to worship You forever!

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