8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood:(bitter,Poisoned) and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.(poisoned)
Once in million years: Comet buzzing Mars on Sun.Associated Press-By MARCIA DUNN-OCT 16,14-YAHOONEWS
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — The heavens are hosting an event this weekend that occurs once in a million years or so.A comet as hefty as a small mountain will pass mind-bogglingly close to Mars on Sunday, approaching within 87,000 miles at a speed of 126,000 mph.NASA's five robotic explorers at Mars — three orbiters and two rovers — are being repurposed to witness a comet named Siding Spring make its first known visit to the inner solar system. So are a European and an Indian spacecraft circling the red planet.The orbiting craft will attempt to observe the incoming iceball, then hide behind Mars for protection from potentially dangerous dusty debris in the comet tail.Shielded by the Martian atmosphere, the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers may well have the best seats in the house, although a dust storm on Mars could obscure the view."We certainly have fingers crossed for the first images of a comet from the surface of another world," said NASA program scientist Kelly Fast.Spacecraft farther afield, including the Hubble Space Telescope, already are keeping a sharp lookout, as are ground observatories and research balloons."We're getting ready for a spectacular set of observations," said Jim Green, head of NASA's planetary science division.Named for the Australian observatory used to detect it in January 2013, Siding Spring will approach Mars from beneath and zoom right in front Sunday afternoon, Eastern Time.On Earth, the best viewing, via binoculars or telescope, will be from the Southern Hemisphere — South Africa and Australia will be in prime position. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be difficult to see Siding Spring slide by Mars.The comet — with a nucleus estimated to be at least a half-mile in diameter — hails from the Oort Cloud on the extreme fringe of the solar system. It formed during the first million or two years of the solar system's birth 4.6 billion years ago and, until now, ventured no closer to the sun than perhaps the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune. It comes around every one or more million years.It will be the first Oort Cloud comet to be studied up close in detail.For comparison, the flyby distance of 87,000 miles is about one-third of the way from here to the moon. Siding Spring's tail could extend from Earth all the way to our moon. Its gaseous coma, the fuzzy head surrounding the nucleus, might stretch halfway to the moon.No comet has come anywhere near this close to Earth in recorded history."We can't get to an Oort Cloud comet with our current rockets ... so this comet is coming to us," said Carey Lisse, senior astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University's applied physics laboratory.By studying Siding Spring's composition and structure, scientists hope to learn more about how the planets formed, according to Lisse. Scientists also are keen to spot any changes to the comet or Mars due to the close approach. NASA's newly arrived Maven spacecraft, for instance, will compare the upper atmosphere before and after it passes."Think about a comet that started its travel probably at the dawn of man and it's just coming in close now," Lisse said. "And the reason we can actually observe it is because we have built satellites and rovers. We've now got outposts around Mars."Scientists initially worried the spacecraft orbiting Mars would be at considerable risk from the comet's massive trail of dust.The nucleus itself poses no danger of impact. But the particles in the tail, hurtling through space at 126,000 mph could fry electronics, puncture fuel lines, or destroy computers, transmitters or other vital spacecraft parts.As Siding Spring's path became clearer, the threat level was deemed minimal. Still, space agencies are taking no chances. They're employing the "duck and cover" strategy.NASA's three orbiters — Mars Odyssey, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and newcomer Maven — will be behind the red planet at the time of peak danger. That's a 20-minute-or-so period approximately 1½ hours after the closest approach by the comet's nucleus.The European Space Agency also shifted the orbit of its Mars Express as did India for its Mars Orbiter Mission, or MOM, the country's first interplanetary spacecraft that, like NASA's Maven, arrived last month.The precautions are prudent, said University of Maryland senior research scientist Tony Farnham, who led a hazard-analysis team."Comets are complex beasts and don't always live up to our predictions," Farnham said in an email Wednesday. "If you don't want surprises, then don't study comets."It will take at least a few days to obtain and analyze the best spacecraft data; but images made from Earth should be forthcoming pretty quickly.Siding Spring should pass closest to the sun six days after its Mars flyby, then swing back out, bidding goodbye, for at least another million years.___Online:
As Comet Nears Mars, NASA Gears Up for Epic by Mike Wall, Senior Writer October 10, 2014 8:17 AM-YAHOONEWS
A comet will give Mars a historically close shave next weekend, and NASA aims to be ready for the dramatic cosmic event.The space agency has already trained a number of its science assets on Comet Siding Spring, which will zoom within 87,000 miles (139,500 kilometers) of Mars on Oct. 19 — about one-third the distance between Earth and the moon. And NASA's fleet of Red Planet orbiters and rovers will be watching on the big day, studying the comet and its influence on Mars' atmosphere."On October 19, we're going to observe an event that happens maybe once every million years," Jim Green, director of NASA's planetary science division, said during a news conference today (Oct. 9). "We're getting ready for a spectacular set of observations." [See photos of Comet Siding Spring]-First-time visitor.Comet Siding Spring, also known as C/2013 A1, was discovered in 2013 by astronomer Rob McNaught using Australia's Siding Spring Observatory. The comet is making its first trip through the inner solar system from the frigid, faraway Oort Cloud, which lies about 50,000 astronomical units from the sun. (One astronomical unit, or AU, is the average distance between Earth and the sun — about 93 million miles, or 150 million km). Because Siding Spring has never been "heat-treated" before, the incoming comet likely remains largely unchanged since its formation 4.6 billion years ago, researchers said. So studying its composition and behavior should provide clues about the conditions that existed at the birth of the solar system."That's one of the reasons we study comets — they're the remnants of our solar system's formation," said ?Padma Yanamandra-Fisher, a senior research scientist at the Space Science Institute's Rancho Cucamonga branch in California.Observations by a number of missions, including NASA's Hubble, Swift, Spitzer and NEOWISE spacecraft, have already returned some data on Siding Spring. For example, researchers think the comet's core is between 0.5 miles and 5 miles (0.8 to 8 km) in diameter. Further, the fuzzy cloud (or coma) surrounding Siding Spring's nucleus is about 100,000 miles (160,000 km) wide at this point, and its tail stretches for about 300,000 miles (480,000 km), scientists said.But the real show will begin Oct. 19. NASA's three Mars orbiters — Mars Odyssey, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and the newly arrived MAVEN spacecraft — will observe Siding Spring's flyby from space, while the agency's Opportunity and Curiosity rovers will watch from the Red Planet's surface.The goal is to learn more about the comet's size, rotation speed, activity and composition, researchers said. The interactions between comet particles and Mars' atmosphere could also help scientists better understand the Red Planet's air. MAVEN is particularly well suited to perform this latter task, since the mission was designed to study Mars' upper atmosphere (MAVEN is short for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution).If all goes according to plan, MRO will take the first-ever good pictures of an Oort Cloud comet's nucleus. And Opportunity and Curiosity could make some history as well, if Martian dust storms don't cloud up the atmosphere too much."We certainly have fingers crossed for the first images of a comet from the surface of another world," said Kelly Fast, program scientist at NASA's planetary science division. "That would be really exciting." Various instruments and assets will continue to watch Siding Spring after the flyby, following the comet as it recedes into space.Protecting the spacecraft.Siding Spring will barrel past Mars at about 126,000 mph (203,000 km/h) on Oct. 19 — so fast that even tiny particles shed by the comet could do some serious damage to an orbiting spacecraft. So NASA has taken pains to maneuver its Red Planet orbiters out of harm's way."When Mars gets very close to the dust tail, which is about 100 minutes after closest approach, all our spacecraft will be on the opposite side of the planet," Green said. "So the planet will provide the additional protection we believe we need to be able to make these observations safely."Curiosity and Opportunity aren't in any danger, researchers said; the Mars atmosphere, while just 1 percent as dense as that of Earth, is still substantial enough to protect the rovers from incoming comet material.Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood:(bitter,Poisoned) and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.(poisoned)
Once in million years: Comet buzzing Mars on Sun.Associated Press-By MARCIA DUNN-OCT 16,14-YAHOONEWS
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — The heavens are hosting an event this weekend that occurs once in a million years or so.A comet as hefty as a small mountain will pass mind-bogglingly close to Mars on Sunday, approaching within 87,000 miles at a speed of 126,000 mph.NASA's five robotic explorers at Mars — three orbiters and two rovers — are being repurposed to witness a comet named Siding Spring make its first known visit to the inner solar system. So are a European and an Indian spacecraft circling the red planet.The orbiting craft will attempt to observe the incoming iceball, then hide behind Mars for protection from potentially dangerous dusty debris in the comet tail.Shielded by the Martian atmosphere, the Opportunity and Curiosity rovers may well have the best seats in the house, although a dust storm on Mars could obscure the view."We certainly have fingers crossed for the first images of a comet from the surface of another world," said NASA program scientist Kelly Fast.Spacecraft farther afield, including the Hubble Space Telescope, already are keeping a sharp lookout, as are ground observatories and research balloons."We're getting ready for a spectacular set of observations," said Jim Green, head of NASA's planetary science division.Named for the Australian observatory used to detect it in January 2013, Siding Spring will approach Mars from beneath and zoom right in front Sunday afternoon, Eastern Time.On Earth, the best viewing, via binoculars or telescope, will be from the Southern Hemisphere — South Africa and Australia will be in prime position. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be difficult to see Siding Spring slide by Mars.The comet — with a nucleus estimated to be at least a half-mile in diameter — hails from the Oort Cloud on the extreme fringe of the solar system. It formed during the first million or two years of the solar system's birth 4.6 billion years ago and, until now, ventured no closer to the sun than perhaps the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune. It comes around every one or more million years.It will be the first Oort Cloud comet to be studied up close in detail.For comparison, the flyby distance of 87,000 miles is about one-third of the way from here to the moon. Siding Spring's tail could extend from Earth all the way to our moon. Its gaseous coma, the fuzzy head surrounding the nucleus, might stretch halfway to the moon.No comet has come anywhere near this close to Earth in recorded history."We can't get to an Oort Cloud comet with our current rockets ... so this comet is coming to us," said Carey Lisse, senior astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University's applied physics laboratory.By studying Siding Spring's composition and structure, scientists hope to learn more about how the planets formed, according to Lisse. Scientists also are keen to spot any changes to the comet or Mars due to the close approach. NASA's newly arrived Maven spacecraft, for instance, will compare the upper atmosphere before and after it passes."Think about a comet that started its travel probably at the dawn of man and it's just coming in close now," Lisse said. "And the reason we can actually observe it is because we have built satellites and rovers. We've now got outposts around Mars."Scientists initially worried the spacecraft orbiting Mars would be at considerable risk from the comet's massive trail of dust.The nucleus itself poses no danger of impact. But the particles in the tail, hurtling through space at 126,000 mph could fry electronics, puncture fuel lines, or destroy computers, transmitters or other vital spacecraft parts.As Siding Spring's path became clearer, the threat level was deemed minimal. Still, space agencies are taking no chances. They're employing the "duck and cover" strategy.NASA's three orbiters — Mars Odyssey, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and newcomer Maven — will be behind the red planet at the time of peak danger. That's a 20-minute-or-so period approximately 1½ hours after the closest approach by the comet's nucleus.The European Space Agency also shifted the orbit of its Mars Express as did India for its Mars Orbiter Mission, or MOM, the country's first interplanetary spacecraft that, like NASA's Maven, arrived last month.The precautions are prudent, said University of Maryland senior research scientist Tony Farnham, who led a hazard-analysis team."Comets are complex beasts and don't always live up to our predictions," Farnham said in an email Wednesday. "If you don't want surprises, then don't study comets."It will take at least a few days to obtain and analyze the best spacecraft data; but images made from Earth should be forthcoming pretty quickly.Siding Spring should pass closest to the sun six days after its Mars flyby, then swing back out, bidding goodbye, for at least another million years.___Online:
As Comet Nears Mars, NASA Gears Up for Epic by Mike Wall, Senior Writer October 10, 2014 8:17 AM-YAHOONEWS
A comet will give Mars a historically close shave next weekend, and NASA aims to be ready for the dramatic cosmic event.The space agency has already trained a number of its science assets on Comet Siding Spring, which will zoom within 87,000 miles (139,500 kilometers) of Mars on Oct. 19 — about one-third the distance between Earth and the moon. And NASA's fleet of Red Planet orbiters and rovers will be watching on the big day, studying the comet and its influence on Mars' atmosphere."On October 19, we're going to observe an event that happens maybe once every million years," Jim Green, director of NASA's planetary science division, said during a news conference today (Oct. 9). "We're getting ready for a spectacular set of observations." [See photos of Comet Siding Spring]-First-time visitor.Comet Siding Spring, also known as C/2013 A1, was discovered in 2013 by astronomer Rob McNaught using Australia's Siding Spring Observatory. The comet is making its first trip through the inner solar system from the frigid, faraway Oort Cloud, which lies about 50,000 astronomical units from the sun. (One astronomical unit, or AU, is the average distance between Earth and the sun — about 93 million miles, or 150 million km). Because Siding Spring has never been "heat-treated" before, the incoming comet likely remains largely unchanged since its formation 4.6 billion years ago, researchers said. So studying its composition and behavior should provide clues about the conditions that existed at the birth of the solar system."That's one of the reasons we study comets — they're the remnants of our solar system's formation," said ?Padma Yanamandra-Fisher, a senior research scientist at the Space Science Institute's Rancho Cucamonga branch in California.Observations by a number of missions, including NASA's Hubble, Swift, Spitzer and NEOWISE spacecraft, have already returned some data on Siding Spring. For example, researchers think the comet's core is between 0.5 miles and 5 miles (0.8 to 8 km) in diameter. Further, the fuzzy cloud (or coma) surrounding Siding Spring's nucleus is about 100,000 miles (160,000 km) wide at this point, and its tail stretches for about 300,000 miles (480,000 km), scientists said.But the real show will begin Oct. 19. NASA's three Mars orbiters — Mars Odyssey, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and the newly arrived MAVEN spacecraft — will observe Siding Spring's flyby from space, while the agency's Opportunity and Curiosity rovers will watch from the Red Planet's surface.The goal is to learn more about the comet's size, rotation speed, activity and composition, researchers said. The interactions between comet particles and Mars' atmosphere could also help scientists better understand the Red Planet's air. MAVEN is particularly well suited to perform this latter task, since the mission was designed to study Mars' upper atmosphere (MAVEN is short for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution).If all goes according to plan, MRO will take the first-ever good pictures of an Oort Cloud comet's nucleus. And Opportunity and Curiosity could make some history as well, if Martian dust storms don't cloud up the atmosphere too much."We certainly have fingers crossed for the first images of a comet from the surface of another world," said Kelly Fast, program scientist at NASA's planetary science division. "That would be really exciting." Various instruments and assets will continue to watch Siding Spring after the flyby, following the comet as it recedes into space.Protecting the spacecraft.Siding Spring will barrel past Mars at about 126,000 mph (203,000 km/h) on Oct. 19 — so fast that even tiny particles shed by the comet could do some serious damage to an orbiting spacecraft. So NASA has taken pains to maneuver its Red Planet orbiters out of harm's way."When Mars gets very close to the dust tail, which is about 100 minutes after closest approach, all our spacecraft will be on the opposite side of the planet," Green said. "So the planet will provide the additional protection we believe we need to be able to make these observations safely."Curiosity and Opportunity aren't in any danger, researchers said; the Mars atmosphere, while just 1 percent as dense as that of Earth, is still substantial enough to protect the rovers from incoming comet material.Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
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