Monday, November 2, 2015


JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)

75-Year-Old Prediction Indicated Russia’s Role in Syrian Conflict, Final War of Gog and Magog-By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz October 27, 2015 , 1:30 pm   

“Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.…” (Ezekiel 38:2-3)-The late Rabbi Haim Shvili, a Jewish mystic born in the early 1900s, made many predictions about the messianic era in his book, Heshbonot Hageula (Reckonings of Redemption), which he wrote in 1935. Some of the predictions in this obscure and largely unknown text were shockingly accurate, stating specific dates and names. His final terrifying vision, that of a Russian-led coalition as the prophesied Gog, is unfolding on the front pages of newspapers today. Of course, Rabbi Shvili did what the newspapers can’t:  he predicted precisely how it would end.Shvili wrote that the chronology of the Book of Daniel, along with predictions found in Ezekiel 38 and 39, Joel 4 and Zechariah 14, indicated that a great war would break out during the Sukkot holiday of the Jewish year 5751, which began on October 3, 1990. This was reported in the Jerusalem Post and the LA Times of that year, a few weeks before the holiday. Though a great war did not break out, massive and unprecedented Arab riots exploded on the Temple Mount on Sukkot of that year, resulting in 23 Arab deaths and more than 150 Arabs being injured. This incident had major implications for Israel and resulted in international condemnation. While Shvili did not predict how long the war would continue, he wrote that this conflict marked the beginning of the messianic process. Shvili believed that after the war Jerusalem would reign supreme and the city would become a center of tourism, pilgrimage and Jewish religious learning – a prophecy that has fully come to fruition.Based on chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel, Shvili predicted that the major world power involved in the war of Gog and Magog would be Russia. He specified that it would not be England, though at the time of his predictions, England was the more logical choice for Gog, being much more powerful and more active as a global power. England was also directly involved in the Middle East as part of its mandate. This prediction is even more shocking, since at the time when he wrote his predictions, and even later when they were published, Russia had been replaced by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).The end is near. Are you ready? -Nonetheless, Shvili specified Russia as being the military leader of a coalition during the messianic wars by explaining the the verse in Ezekiel 38:2, which reads, “Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal”. Shvili interpreted the word “Rosh” through Kabbalistic techniques to mean Russia. He used the same techniques to interpret the words “Meshech” and “Tubal” to be the Balkan states, which are ruled by Russia.Shvili emphasized that Gog is referred to as the “land of the North”, and Russia is the northernmost country in Europe. He pointed out that the return of the Jews from the north, as prophesied in Isaiah and Jeremiah, will be an enormous miracle. In fact, for a long period of time, the Soviet Union did not allow Jews to emigrate to Israel. In the late 1980s and 90s, around the time when Shvili predicted the messianic period would begin, in an entirely unexpected move, Mikhail Gorbachev opened the borders, allowing Jews to emigrate. More than 1.6 million Jews left, and almost one million came to Israel in what most thought an unlikely, perhaps even miraculous, occurrence.The verses in Ezekiel explicitly state that Gog is a Nasi (prince) of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, indicating a republic and not a kingdom. There are presently many countries with a military presence in Syria and Iraq, forming several coalitions. The US is certainly one “prince,” or leader, while Russia is clearly the opposing “prince”.Shvili predicted that the Russian-led coalition would be opposed by its corresponding counterpart, made up of an army composed of soldiers from all 70 nations.  There have already been confrontations with international implications, such as Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter jet, Britain authorizing its air force to shoot down aggressive Russian jets, and face-offs between Russian and Israeli jets. As alliances continue to form, it is becoming clear that the present conflict in Syria will bring many countries into the fray, just as Shvili described.Shvili also noted that the War of Gog and Magog would begin in the Hebrew month of Tishrei, which this year began five weeks ago with the holiday of Rosh Hashana, and ended October 12. On September 30th of this year, the 29th of Tishrei, Russia began formal military intervention in Syria, which conforms perfectly with his predictions. Based on the verses of Ezekiel (39:11), Shvili understood that Russia would come down into Israel via the Golan Heights with the intention of conquering Egypt, but would be vanquished near what is today the Israeli town of Almagor at the northern tip of the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret).Many people, even those uninclined to Biblical prophecy, are realizing that we live in precarious and unusual times with strong parallels to the messianic process. Though this prospect might be frightening, by witnessing the predictions that have become reality and accepting them as part of a process that has been described, it is possible to take comfort in the end that has been assured. Shvili concludes that after the war of Gog and Magog, the prophecy of world peace, of “beating swords into plowshares” (Isaiah 2:4) will come into effect, centered around Jerusalem as the pinnacle of peace and holiness.Read more at

God Will Hold Accountable” Christians Who Do Not Speak Out for Israel, Broadcaster Warns-By Raphael Poch October 29, 2015 , 9:30 am   

“And when they say to you, ‘Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,’ should not a people inquire of their God?” (Isaiah 8:19) -Earl Cox, an international Christian broadcaster and journalist, recently lashed out at Christian silence with regard to supporting Israel in its current time of need. “Where are the Christian leaders right now as Israel stands alone on the front lines of the world’s war on terror?” Cox asked during an interview with the president of the Christian Coalition of America (CCA), Roberta Combs.“We are in a war with evil and silence feeds that evil. Christian silence is adding fuel to the wildfire which is spreading the evils of Islam across the Middle East and around the world,” he added.A relative expert on the Middle East conflict, Cox had previously shared first-hand reports from the front lines in three of Israel’s defensive wars.Cox warned that continued silence would enable further evil. “Those of us who claim to be Christians have, in fact, become enablers of evil by remaining silent and have thus allowed the enemies of The Almighty God to remove prayer from our schools, the Ten Commandments from our public institutions and Christian prayer from public forums,” he continued. “We are now standing quietly by as America’s only friend and ally in the Middle East – Israel – stands alone in the battle against the spread of radical Islam.”Cox implored the CCA to take a stand and create a groundswell of support for Israel in the international community. “The collective voice of the Christian community should be so loud right now that it should reverberate around the globe. We are not going to sit idly by while evil triumphs over good,” he proclaimed. “We have become guilty of moral apathy and complacency and God will surely hold us accountable.”He made specific mention of the blatant and unequivocal bullying that Israel has received at the hands of the United Nations and other world bodies. “We all know that what is happening in Israel is blatantly wrong yet the UN and other world leaders are siding with evil and we are standing idly by,” he said during the interview. “It’s time to flex our muscles, get off our duffs and walk side by side with those whom God Himself calls the ‘apple of His eye.’”Using the Bible as his gauge, Cox espoused a sentiment that many Christians around the world feel – a strong solidarity with Israel in support of God’s chosen people. “God’s Word makes it clear that Israel is His chosen land and the Jews are His chosen people,” he explained. “True Christians must stand with Israel now, and speak out against the barbaric acts of terrorism being perpetrated by heathens who are adherents of Islam.”Cox took his argument one step further, moving beyond political correctness as he said, “Any thinking person knows that the goal of Islam is not peace but rather world domination and annihilation of Israel. This includes the Jews and ultimately all Christians.”Israel is in no way at fault for the current wave of terrorism that is ravaging the country, Cox went on to say, blaming incitement on the Palestinian side. “The trouble and rioting on the Temple Mount is not due to any fault of Israel. The Palestinians are urging their youth, especially those under the legal age of prosecution, to pick up rocks and bottles and attack Jews,” he said. “In addition, the families of these youth are receiving compensation from Hamas.”Asked by Combs where this compensation money is coming from, Cox replied, “It’s coming from the pocket of every American taxpayer! It’s our American tax dollars at work.” He went on to say, “If you are satisfied with this, fine. Stay home and stay quiet and wait for Islam to infiltrate your community, your family, your home. If not, then get busy.”Having recently travelled throughout the southeastern United States promoting support for Israel, Cox is now taking his message to the midwestern states.“Anti-Semitism is on the rise even in the UN and, sadly, even in many of our churches,” he warned. “Remember, it’s impossible to love Jesus and not love His family.”The solution to the problem is to get involved and begin working within the system to effect change, said Cox. “If you think just one voice doesn’t matter, you’re wrong. You must get moving and organize others to also speak out in support of Israel,” he urged. “Write, call and visit your congressmen and senators.  Make your voice heard every day and become a strong warrior in the fight against evil. God doesn’t expect us to pick up weapons to fight but He does expect us to use His Word and the voices with which He has gifted us.”Pointing out a major issue in the fight against terrorism, Cox instructed people to not be afraid of making political waves or being politically incorrect. “Islam is evil and we must not be afraid to say it for the sake of political correctness,” he asserted. “The proponents of Islam are experts at using propaganda to promote their evil, anti-Semitic agenda. Too many God-fearing people are remaining silent. This is all happening on our watch.”Read more at

Hotovely Adds Jewish Studies, Right-Wing Teachers and Settlements to Diplomatic Training-By JNI Media November 1, 2015 , 1:30 pm   

“The LORD appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I will give this land.’ ” (Genesis 12:7)-The days of Israeli diplomats siding with the Palestinian cause, or embarrassing themselves with their lack of familiarity with the Jewish prayer book, are over. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) and Ministry Director-General Dr. Dore Gold have altered the new course for diplomatic cadets starting Sunday at the College of Statesmanship in Jerusalem, with changes including compulsory tours in Judea and Samaria, lectures from faculty who are affiliated with the right side of the political spectrum, Jewish studies, and a class on the justification for Jewish settlements in regard to international law, Israel Hayom reported.Hotovely said that she added several educational topics to the training course, primarily helping Israel’s future diplomats to acquire tools to deal with contemporary issues challenging Israeli information dissemination, including knowledge of international law regarding the legality of Jewish settlements, knowledge of the laws of war in light of Israel’s struggle against terrorism, and defending Israel in debates of ethics and warfare.In a recent Facebook post, Hotovely reported on a lecture she had delivered at the College of Statesmanship, on the topic of An Ethical Foreign Policy, revealing “things that not everybody knows about Israel’s foreign affairs, because they don’t receive media exposure.”“Israel is a beacon of science and technology development for large parts of the world. World powers such as India and Japan, and other countries in the East and in the rest of the world, see Israel as a trailblazer in providing solutions to 21st century problems,” Hotovely said, adding that, “in meetings with officials of all countries, the themes that emerge are Israeli developments in medicine, agriculture, water infrastructure, technology, and security.”“Israel’s shop window displays more and more contribution to humanity,” Hotovely noted in her lecture. “The best propaganda is the economic value of Israel alongside strengthening the moral prowess of Israel in the world. It is important to recognize and understand this aspect of Israel’s foreign policy.”Pundits and politicians on the right have complained for years that the training course for diplomatic cadets conducted by the Foreign Ministry has had a leftist bias, and that the way to change it is by changing the teaching staff. But Foreign Ministry senior officials told Israel Hayom they consider the claims “absurd,” noting that the course does offer tours of Judea and Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. They called the news about the revamping “a spin on Hotovely’s part.”However, an examination of the changes show at least a refreshing of the existing program, if not something more radical: there will be a tour of the City of David, near the Temple Mount, guided by David Be’eri, one of the heads of the Jewish community there; a tour of the Jordan Valley with Major General (Res) Uzi Dayan; and a guided observation of the city of Sh’chem with Benny Katzover, one of the leaders of Jewish settlement in Samaria. Also, the course will include a visit to the Barkan industrial park, to witness first hand the reality of Palestinians working side by side with Israelis. Cadets will also receive a series of lectures on the subject of tikkun olam (“fixing the world”) and Judaism’s universal message.


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