JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun,(HEATING-SOLAR ECLIPSES) and in the moon,(MAN ON MOON-LUNAR ECLIPSES) and in the stars;(ASTEROIDS) and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear,(TORNADOES,HURRICANES,STORMS) and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:(DESTRUCTION) for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.(FROM QUAKES,NUKES ETC)
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,(WORLD TRAVEL,IMMIGRATION FROM FLEEING WARS) and knowledge shall be increased.(COMPUTERS MICROCHIPS ETC)
France to prepare strikes in Syria-By EUOBSERVER-sept 7,15
Today, 12:48-France will start reconnaissance flights over Syria tomorrow (8 September), and air strikes could be organised soon, president Francois Hollande said at a press conference on Monday. "We want to know what is being prepared against us and against the Syrian population," he said.
France to take 24,000 refugees-By EUOBSERVER-sept 7,15
Today, 12:47-France will accept 24,000 new refugees over the next two years, as promised to the EU, president Francois Hollande announced at a press conference Monday. He said France expected 60,000 asylum requests in 2015. Hollande also called for an international conference on the migration crisis.
France and Germany to take bulk of 120,000 migrants By Eszter Zalan-sept 7,15-euobserver
BRUSSELS, Today, 14:31-France and Germany will take the bulk of 120,000 asylum seekers from Greece, Italy, and Hungary, according to a European Commission proposal due out on Wednesday (9 September).The draft paper, seen by EUobserver, represents Europe’s latest attempt to deal with its largest refugee crisis since WWII.It comes on top of an earlier project, covering 40,000 people from Greece and Italy, bringing the total number of relocations to 160,000.The new proposal says member states should take the 120,000 people from the three frontline countries, which have seen a huge increase in arrivals, mostly from war-torn Syria and from Afghanistan.The relocations would see 15,600 people moved from Italy, 50,400 from Greece, and 54,000 from Hungary.Germany and France, the main supporters of the quota scheme, would take in 31,443 and 24,031 people, respectively.Denmark, Ireland, and the UK are not included in the list, as they don’t take part in EU home and justice affairs policies.But the proposal adds that other, reluctant member states should help pay for the project if they opt out.It says EU countries which give “duly justified reasons” why they are temporarily unable to take part in the relocations, for a period of one year, "should instead make a financial contribution to the EU budget".The percentage of GDP to be paid is not yet specified.Spain is slated to take 14,931 asylum-seekers, while Poland is to house 9,287 people - also a significant share.Poland, along with other eastern European countries, has been a vocal opponent of the scheme, saying it creates a pull factor for migrants.The Czechs are expected to take 2,978, Slovakia to take 1,502, and Romania is down for 4,646.The Baltic States, which have also been reluctant to participate, are to take in a few hundred people each, according to the proposal. Estonia is to house 373, Latvia 526, and Lithuania to take in 780.Austria is to take in 3,640, Belgium 4,564, and Croatia 1,064.EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker’s home country, Luxemburg, is to take 440 people.-Balkan route-The proposal notes the flow of migrants and refugees has more than doubled over the summer and says the EU needs a new emergency relocation mechanism.But it adds that the current measures should be provisional, and should apply for just 24 months after they enter into force.According to the commission, the Western Balkan route, where Hungary lies, accounts for more than 30 percent of the total irregular border crossings in 2015.Hungary has been critical of an EU quota system, and says it does not want to be labelled as a frontline country.It says it would not have become one if Greece, the first point of EU entry for Western Balkan-route migrants, had done its job by protecting the passport-free Schengen zone and by registering the migrants it received.However, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban said last week in Brussels he does not rule out participating in the EU programme.“We haven’t got any offer like that [yet], if we get it we’ll think about it”, he said.-Financial help and benchmarks-The commission’s new proposal also includes financial help for the relocations.Host member states can receive €6,000 per asylum seeker, while Hungary, Italy, and Greece are to receive €500 per person to cover travel and other costs.The distribution of asylum seekers is based on the size of the population, total GDP, the average number of asylum applications per 1 million inhabitants between 2012 and 2014, and the host state’s unemployment rate.-Safe countries-The new proposal also says all EU candidate or potential candidate countries - Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey - should be deemed safe countries.This means asylum seekers can be sent back if they come through any of the states on the list.The commission documents include a list of ideas on how to enhance repatriation, as it says only 40 percent of the irregular migrants who were ordered to leave the EU in 2014 actually departed.The commission is to launch a Trust Fund that should provide resources for return and reintegration of unsuccessful asylum seekers, but it doesn’t say how much the fund is to be worth.It states that returns must be enforced, if migrants don’t go back voluntarily. It also says member states should use detention as a legitimate measure of last resort.The proposal will be outlined by Juncker on Wednesday in his State of the Union address in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and will be first discussed by EU interior and justice ministers on 14 September.
Opinion-Europe’s values vacuum By Gareth Harding-sept 7,15-euobserver
BRUSSELS, Today, 13:34-On the same day that haunting images of a three-year-old boy washed ashore on a Turkish beach galloped across social media, and as thousands of desperate refugees squeezed on to trains in Budapest, the European Central Bank installed a sculpture called “gravity and growth” in front of its Frankfurt headquarters.The artwork is one of three that will grace the ECB skyscraper, at a cost to taxpayers of €1.25 million.According to Benoit Cœure, ECB executive board member and chair of the jury that selected the artwork, the sculpture of a tree by Giuseppe Penone “conveys a sense of stability and growth and is rooted in the humanist values of Europe in the most beautiful way.”I have some advice for Monsieur Cœure - go to Andalucía or Athens and try to convince the young people there, half of whom are unemployed, that the EU is about “stability and growth.”Or go to the wretched refugee camps of Calais, Kos or Lampedusa and try to persuade the tens of thousands stuck in limbo there of Europe’s “humanist values.”If Cœure hasn’t got time to visit such far-flung places, he could just stroll down to Frankfurt hauptbahnhof and listen to the tales of refugees who, having fled war, poverty and persecution in countries like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, found themselves beaten by policemen in Greece, shot at by border guards in Macedonia, extorted by officials in Serbia and treated like cattle in Hungary.Cœure isn’t the only one mouthing platitudes about European values.As the finishing touches were being put on a 175km razor-wire fence on Hungary’s border with Serbia, premier Viktor Orban was warning how "Europe's Christian culture is barely in a position to uphold Europe's own Christian values."Forget for a moment that Europe’s values were as much, if not more, forged by Islamic, Greek and Roman civilization and Enlightenment thought as Christianity. And ignore the fact that Hungary is one of the most secular countries on a continent that has largely lost its religion. The real question is, what Christian values is Orban talking about? Turning your back on those in need of help? If so, it is obviously time Orban re-read “The parable of the Good Samaritan,” with its exhortation to aide those in distress and “love thy neighbour as thyself.”“The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities,” says article 2 of the EU treaty.It is difficult to grasp how refusing to accept Muslim refugees on account of their religious beliefs – as Hungary and Slovakia have essentially done – chimes with these values. Likewise, it is hard to see how tattooing numbers on the arms of refugees, as Czech authorities did, respects human dignity, or how corralling Roma communities in ghettoes ensures equality for minorities.Instead of upholding European values, Orban openly flouts them.In a speech last year, he praised “illiberal democracies” like Russia and China. And as a result of some of Europe’s most draconian media restrictions, Hungary has fallen 45 places in the Reporters Without Borders press freedom index in just three years and is now ranked 64th out of 180 countries.Values matter because they are the glue that binds countries and peoples together. They help define what a society stands for and against. And, in the EU’s case, they are legally-binding rights, not political pieties.According to Article 2 of the treaty the EU is “a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.” Fine words, but of little consolation to Greeks wondering what European solidarity really means as they grapple with an economic meltdown, a social calamity and now an unprecedented refugee crisis.Nor are they any comfort to the millions of Muslims and Jews in Europe who face discrimination on a daily basis.“Words are no longer enough in this matter,” European Council President Donald Tusk told EU ambassadors last week. “We need to deliver.” At present, with the exception of Germany and Austria, the Union and its member states are clearly not delivering.Indeed, with Europe facing its biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War, the EU has been virtually invisible, paralysed by divisions, hampered by half-baked policies and - Merkel apart - incapacitated by the moral and political bankruptcy of its leaders.EU citizens fill the vacuum-The only consolation is that the people of western Europe have filled the vacuum, greeting refugees arriving at train stations in Austria and Germany with smiles and gifts, sending convoys of cars to pick-up those left behind in Hungary and organising makeshift refugee camps in cities like Brussels and Munich.As one Austrian activist told the BBC: “Politics has failed, so we have to do something.”Europe’s inability to translate its values into deeds has potentially catastrophic consequences - not just for the hundreds of thousands of refugees that desperately need our help, but also for the EU’s very existence.Because when fundamental values are flouted with impunity by one member, as is the case with Hungary, they cease to have meaning for all members.When freedom, democracy and the rule of law are extolled but not upheld or defended, the enemies of those values - like Russia and China - are strengthened.And when a gaping chasm opens up between the lofty ideals mouthed by EU leaders and the grubby reality they preside over, those rulers start to resemble “The Hollow Men” in T.S. Eliot’s poem: “Our dried voices, when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass or rats’ feet over broken glass in our dry cellar. Shape without form, shade without colour, paralysed force, gesture without motion.”Gareth Harding is managing director of Clear Europe, a communications company. He also runs the Missouri School of Journalism's Brussels programme. Follow him on Twitter @garethharding
Germany sets example on EU migrants-By Nikolaj Nielsen-SEPT 7,15-EUOBSERVER
BRUSSELS, Today, 09:25-Germany has taken a moral lead to the EU’s refugee crisis as it welcomes thousands on a daily basis and sets aside €6 billion in asylum relief funds.Around 18,000 people seeking refuge arrived in Germany from Austria over the weekend. Some 10,000 went to the southern German city of Munich and were greeted by cheering crowds of locals.“I am not really thinking about how many people can we afford and can we take here in Munich. That is not the question”, Munich’s mayor Dieter Reiter told reporters on Sunday (6 September).Germany’s ruling coalition said state and local governments will receive €3 billion to help accommodate arrivals. Another €3 billion will be put aside to pay for other expenses like benefits.Germany is expected to receive around 800,000 asylum seekers this year.Munich’s weekend spike arrived after Austria relaxed asylum transit restrictions with Hungary. Stranded refugees in Hungary were allowed to board buses and trains to Austria.A caravan of some 140 cars driven by volunteers from Germany and Austria also helped.But the opened policy is now set to end in “step by step” process, Austria’s chancellor Werner Faymann said on Sunday.Faymann, who spoke to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orgban, said the move is needed to “ensure the common security of the (European Union's) external borders, safeguard fair asylum procedures and achieve a fair distribution of asylum seekers by means of a European quota.”-Quotas-Germany and France are pushing for a more equitable distribution of asylum seekers. Both back imposing a mandatory quota on how many each member state should accommodate.European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker is set to announce on Wednesday a new plan to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers from Greece, Italy and Hungary. All three are a main point of entry into the EU for people seeking asylum.Leaked documents of Juncker’s plan published in the De Volkskrant newspaper indicate that France and Germany will take in the most with 24,031 and 31,443, respectively, followed by Spain (14,931), and Poland (9,287).Malta will take in the fewest at 133, followed by Cyprus (274), and Estonia (373).No figures are given on the United Kingdom, which opted out in a similar plan proposed over the summer to relocate 40,000.-UK and US criticism-Last week, UK prime minister David Cameron announced they are ready to accept thousands of Syrians refugees and increase development aid to Syria.But Cameron’s plan has come under attack.British centre-left MEP Claude Moraes, who heads the European Parliament’s civil liberties committee, said it means the UK won’t participate in the 120,000 relocation scheme.“[It] is a clear signal that the UK wishes to continue opting out of a co-coordinated response to the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since the Second World War”, said Moraes in a statement.Criticism has also been directed at the United States."The United States has always been a leader in refugee resettlement but 1,500 people over four years is such a miniscule contribution to tackling the human side of this problem,” said former British foreign secretary David Miliband, who now heads the International Rescue Committee.
09/ 6/2015-VATICAN INSIDER-Pope calls on every parish across Europe to house refugee families-Francis made an extraordinary appeal on Sunday, asking every parish and Catholic community across Europe to house one of the tens of thousands of refugee families crossing the continent. Christian hope, the pontiff said, is "combative" and requires concrete action.-JOSHUA J. McELWEE
Vatican City-Pope Francis has made an extraordinary appeal to every single Catholic parish and community across Europe, asking each to house at least one of the tens of thousands of refugee families risking death to migrate to the continent from the Middle East.Making the appeal during his weekly Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square on Sunday, the pontiff said the Gospel does not allow Christians to sit back from helping those in need."In front of the tragedy of the tens of thousands of refugees escaping death by war or hunger, on the path towards the hope of life, the Gospel calls us, asks us to be 'neighbors' of the smallest and most abandoned," Francis told the crowds in the Square.Christians, the pope said, must give the refugees "a concrete hope. Not only to say: 'Courage, patience!'" Christian hope, he said, "is combative, with the tenacity of someone going towards a sure goal.""To this end, with the nearing of the Jubilee of Mercy, I address an appeal to the parishes, to the religious communities, to the monasteries and sanctuaries of all of Europe to express the concreteness of the Gospel and welcome a family of refugees," said Francis, calling it "a concrete gesture in preparation of the Holy Year of Mercy."The pontiff specified the scope of his request: "Every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary of Europe house a family, starting from my diocese of Rome."The pope said that even the two small parishes at the Vatican "will welcome in these days two families of refugees.""I address myself to my brother bishops of Europe ... that in their dioceses they will support this appeal of mine, remembering that Mercy is the second name of Love," said the pontiff, quoting Matthew's Gospel: "'Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'"Francis extraordinary appeal to Catholics across Europe comes after a week that saw worldwide attention drawn to the refugee crisis, with news of migrants struggling to cross the border from Hungary to Austria and global spread of the image of a boy who drowned while trying to make the journey.The scale and continuing nature of the crisis has shocked nations across the continent, which have struggled in their response to the sheer numbers of people risking death on journeys in makeshift boats or even by foot from countries throughout the Middle East.The U.N. refugee agency said Europe might need to accept some 200,000 refugees to stem the crisis.The pope made his appeal Sunday after reflecting on the Gospel reading for the day, which sees Jesus heal a man who was deaf and had some sort of speech impediment.Francis said that Jesus' action in the episode, where he first looks to Heaven before making the miracle, shows that God "is not closed in Gods-self, but is open and puts Gods-self in communication with humanity.""In God's immense mercy, God surpasses the abyss of infinite difference between Him and us, and comes to meet us," said the pope. "To realize this communication with humankind, God is made man: it is not enough to speak to us through the law and the prophets, but God makes Gods-self present in the person of his Son, the Word made flesh.""Jesus is the great 'bridge builder' that constructs in himself the great bridge of full communion with the Father," said the pontiff."This Gospel speaks also to us," said Francis. "Often we are withdrawn and closed in ourselves and we create many inaccessible and inhospitable islands.""So much so that the most basic human relations at times are created from reality unable to make reciprocal openness: the closed couple, the closed family, the closed group, the closed parish, the closed homeland," he continued. "This is not from God! This is ours; this is our sin."[Joshua J. McElwee is the Vatican Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.]
09/ 5/2015-VATICAN INSIDER-Francis: “I am coming to the US to be close to the people”-Francis prepares for his visit to the US-In a virtual audience aired on US television network ABC yesterday evening, Pope Francis explained the spirit in which he is preparing for his Apostolic Visit to America from 22 to 27 September. The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia will be a key moment of his trip. The Pope spoke via satellite with immigrants and various individuals who have experienced social unease. “I want to help you along your life’s journey”-PAOLO PETRINI
ROME-“I am coming to the United States to be close to the people and help them along their life’s journey.” Pope Francis said this during the course of a videoconference, aired yesterday evening on US television network ABC. The Pope explained how he was preparing for the apostolic visit to America from 22 to 27 September, where he will attend the World Meeting of Families. The Pope spoke via satellite to immigrants, a group of homeless people and other Americans. Vatican Radio reported on the virtual audience.The importance of closeness-Pope Francis is preparing for the trip to the US by blessing and listening to those who cannot afford the “American dream” – guests of schools for the poor, homeless centres and immigrants who have had to start from scratch having crossed the US-Mexico border. Francis shared his feelings ahead of the trip and explained to the needy - whom he always gives special attention to - the reason for this important visit that will take him to the White House and the UN: I am at the service of all men and women of goodwill. There is one thing that is very important to me and that is closeness. I find it hard to be away from the people. When I come close to people, as will do with you, it is easier for me to understand you and help you along your life’s journey. This is why this visit is so important, it will give me the chance to get close to your journey and your story.”Young people must be courageous and never walk alone-Valery Herrera, a young girl from the Cristo Rey Jesuit high school for marginalised people, told the Pope about a life spent battling against her rare skin disease and the comfort she found in music and her plans to become a pharmacist. Her question to Francis was: “What do you expect of us young people?” The Pope had two things to say: The first, is that young people “should never walk alone in life,” they should be “well-accompanied”, “with Jesus in one hand and Mary in the other”. And secondly, they should walk with courage: “do you know how sad it is to see a young person who has no courage? This is a sad young person, a young person with a distressed look on their face, a young person who is joyless. Courage gives you joy and joy gives you hope, which is naturally a gift from God. It is true that there are many difficulties along life’s journey. Never be afraid of difficulties! Be prudent, be careful, but do not be afraid. You have the strength to overcome them. Don’t be afraid, don’t stop.”Walk with your head held high-The word “courage” crops up often in Francis’ thoughts. Courage is essential in surviving any situation. In a moving moment during the virtual audience, the Pope expresses his affection and admiration for a teenage mum and one of her daughters, 11 year-old Alisa: “You are a courageous woman because you found the strength to bring your two daughters into the world. You could have killed them in your belly, but you respected life, you respected the life that was growing inside you and God will reward you for this and does reward you. You must not feel ashamed, walk with your head held high and say to yourself: ‘I have not killed my daughters, I brought them into this world’. I commend you for this. I commend you and may God bless you.”We are all responsible for each other-The video link switched south, to Texas, where the where the dust from the warm earth of the arid surroundings, is an oasis to thousands of migrants who reach the border. One of them, Ricardo, who immigrated when he was 4, told Francis about how he had had to become the man of the house at the age of 16 because of an accident his father had been in. “With all the problems that exist in the world, such as poverty, our educational system and immigration, what do you think the answer to these problems is?” he asked the Pope. When I look at “life’s many injustices”, Francis replied, I think of “history’s greatest injustice”, Jesus’ Cross. He was “born in the street,” “a homeless person”, and I think of his “silence” on the Cross. The Pope said that in that silence, he was able to understand every dramatic situation in the world, repeating that: “the exploitation of others is not a path”: “We are made for ‘social friendship’. We are all responsible for each other. No one can say: ‘my responsibility ends here’. We are all responsible for each other, helping each other, each in our own way. Social friendship is the reason why God created us (…). Speaking in football terms, I could say the game is between ‘social friendship’ and ‘social enmity’. Each of us needs to make a choice in our hears and we must help to make this a heartfelt choice.”Fleeing death-The videoconference ended with the Pope expressing his appreciation for the “great” – as Francis put it – job being done by US nuns and thanked a group of Chicago students for a Cross that was given to him as a gift. Above all, Francis lent a special ear to the story of Wendy, an 11-year-old girl who came to Texas with her mother from San Salvador, to escape gang violence. The young girl’s story culminated in tears as she showed the Pope a photo and Francis thanked her. Her sobs contained the echo of God’s silence.
Francis’ virtual audience on ABC News: “I am coming to the US to be close to the people”
I am coming to the US to be “close to the people” and help them along their “life’s journey”. In a virtual audience aired on US television network ABC yesterday evening, Pope Francis explained the spirit in which he is preparing for his Apostolic Visit to America from 22 to 27 September. The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia will be a key moment of his trip. The Pope spoke via satellite with immigrants and various individuals who have experienced social unease.
LUKE 21:25-26
25 And there shall be signs in the sun,(HEATING-SOLAR ECLIPSES) and in the moon,(MAN ON MOON-LUNAR ECLIPSES) and in the stars;(ASTEROIDS) and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;(MASS CONFUSION) the sea and the waves roaring;(FIERCE WINDS)
26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear,(TORNADOES,HURRICANES,STORMS) and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:(DESTRUCTION) for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.(FROM QUAKES,NUKES ETC)
4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro,(WORLD TRAVEL,IMMIGRATION FROM FLEEING WARS) and knowledge shall be increased.(COMPUTERS MICROCHIPS ETC)
France to prepare strikes in Syria-By EUOBSERVER-sept 7,15
Today, 12:48-France will start reconnaissance flights over Syria tomorrow (8 September), and air strikes could be organised soon, president Francois Hollande said at a press conference on Monday. "We want to know what is being prepared against us and against the Syrian population," he said.
France to take 24,000 refugees-By EUOBSERVER-sept 7,15
Today, 12:47-France will accept 24,000 new refugees over the next two years, as promised to the EU, president Francois Hollande announced at a press conference Monday. He said France expected 60,000 asylum requests in 2015. Hollande also called for an international conference on the migration crisis.
France and Germany to take bulk of 120,000 migrants By Eszter Zalan-sept 7,15-euobserver
BRUSSELS, Today, 14:31-France and Germany will take the bulk of 120,000 asylum seekers from Greece, Italy, and Hungary, according to a European Commission proposal due out on Wednesday (9 September).The draft paper, seen by EUobserver, represents Europe’s latest attempt to deal with its largest refugee crisis since WWII.It comes on top of an earlier project, covering 40,000 people from Greece and Italy, bringing the total number of relocations to 160,000.The new proposal says member states should take the 120,000 people from the three frontline countries, which have seen a huge increase in arrivals, mostly from war-torn Syria and from Afghanistan.The relocations would see 15,600 people moved from Italy, 50,400 from Greece, and 54,000 from Hungary.Germany and France, the main supporters of the quota scheme, would take in 31,443 and 24,031 people, respectively.Denmark, Ireland, and the UK are not included in the list, as they don’t take part in EU home and justice affairs policies.But the proposal adds that other, reluctant member states should help pay for the project if they opt out.It says EU countries which give “duly justified reasons” why they are temporarily unable to take part in the relocations, for a period of one year, "should instead make a financial contribution to the EU budget".The percentage of GDP to be paid is not yet specified.Spain is slated to take 14,931 asylum-seekers, while Poland is to house 9,287 people - also a significant share.Poland, along with other eastern European countries, has been a vocal opponent of the scheme, saying it creates a pull factor for migrants.The Czechs are expected to take 2,978, Slovakia to take 1,502, and Romania is down for 4,646.The Baltic States, which have also been reluctant to participate, are to take in a few hundred people each, according to the proposal. Estonia is to house 373, Latvia 526, and Lithuania to take in 780.Austria is to take in 3,640, Belgium 4,564, and Croatia 1,064.EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker’s home country, Luxemburg, is to take 440 people.-Balkan route-The proposal notes the flow of migrants and refugees has more than doubled over the summer and says the EU needs a new emergency relocation mechanism.But it adds that the current measures should be provisional, and should apply for just 24 months after they enter into force.According to the commission, the Western Balkan route, where Hungary lies, accounts for more than 30 percent of the total irregular border crossings in 2015.Hungary has been critical of an EU quota system, and says it does not want to be labelled as a frontline country.It says it would not have become one if Greece, the first point of EU entry for Western Balkan-route migrants, had done its job by protecting the passport-free Schengen zone and by registering the migrants it received.However, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban said last week in Brussels he does not rule out participating in the EU programme.“We haven’t got any offer like that [yet], if we get it we’ll think about it”, he said.-Financial help and benchmarks-The commission’s new proposal also includes financial help for the relocations.Host member states can receive €6,000 per asylum seeker, while Hungary, Italy, and Greece are to receive €500 per person to cover travel and other costs.The distribution of asylum seekers is based on the size of the population, total GDP, the average number of asylum applications per 1 million inhabitants between 2012 and 2014, and the host state’s unemployment rate.-Safe countries-The new proposal also says all EU candidate or potential candidate countries - Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey - should be deemed safe countries.This means asylum seekers can be sent back if they come through any of the states on the list.The commission documents include a list of ideas on how to enhance repatriation, as it says only 40 percent of the irregular migrants who were ordered to leave the EU in 2014 actually departed.The commission is to launch a Trust Fund that should provide resources for return and reintegration of unsuccessful asylum seekers, but it doesn’t say how much the fund is to be worth.It states that returns must be enforced, if migrants don’t go back voluntarily. It also says member states should use detention as a legitimate measure of last resort.The proposal will be outlined by Juncker on Wednesday in his State of the Union address in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and will be first discussed by EU interior and justice ministers on 14 September.
Opinion-Europe’s values vacuum By Gareth Harding-sept 7,15-euobserver
BRUSSELS, Today, 13:34-On the same day that haunting images of a three-year-old boy washed ashore on a Turkish beach galloped across social media, and as thousands of desperate refugees squeezed on to trains in Budapest, the European Central Bank installed a sculpture called “gravity and growth” in front of its Frankfurt headquarters.The artwork is one of three that will grace the ECB skyscraper, at a cost to taxpayers of €1.25 million.According to Benoit Cœure, ECB executive board member and chair of the jury that selected the artwork, the sculpture of a tree by Giuseppe Penone “conveys a sense of stability and growth and is rooted in the humanist values of Europe in the most beautiful way.”I have some advice for Monsieur Cœure - go to Andalucía or Athens and try to convince the young people there, half of whom are unemployed, that the EU is about “stability and growth.”Or go to the wretched refugee camps of Calais, Kos or Lampedusa and try to persuade the tens of thousands stuck in limbo there of Europe’s “humanist values.”If Cœure hasn’t got time to visit such far-flung places, he could just stroll down to Frankfurt hauptbahnhof and listen to the tales of refugees who, having fled war, poverty and persecution in countries like Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, found themselves beaten by policemen in Greece, shot at by border guards in Macedonia, extorted by officials in Serbia and treated like cattle in Hungary.Cœure isn’t the only one mouthing platitudes about European values.As the finishing touches were being put on a 175km razor-wire fence on Hungary’s border with Serbia, premier Viktor Orban was warning how "Europe's Christian culture is barely in a position to uphold Europe's own Christian values."Forget for a moment that Europe’s values were as much, if not more, forged by Islamic, Greek and Roman civilization and Enlightenment thought as Christianity. And ignore the fact that Hungary is one of the most secular countries on a continent that has largely lost its religion. The real question is, what Christian values is Orban talking about? Turning your back on those in need of help? If so, it is obviously time Orban re-read “The parable of the Good Samaritan,” with its exhortation to aide those in distress and “love thy neighbour as thyself.”“The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities,” says article 2 of the EU treaty.It is difficult to grasp how refusing to accept Muslim refugees on account of their religious beliefs – as Hungary and Slovakia have essentially done – chimes with these values. Likewise, it is hard to see how tattooing numbers on the arms of refugees, as Czech authorities did, respects human dignity, or how corralling Roma communities in ghettoes ensures equality for minorities.Instead of upholding European values, Orban openly flouts them.In a speech last year, he praised “illiberal democracies” like Russia and China. And as a result of some of Europe’s most draconian media restrictions, Hungary has fallen 45 places in the Reporters Without Borders press freedom index in just three years and is now ranked 64th out of 180 countries.Values matter because they are the glue that binds countries and peoples together. They help define what a society stands for and against. And, in the EU’s case, they are legally-binding rights, not political pieties.According to Article 2 of the treaty the EU is “a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.” Fine words, but of little consolation to Greeks wondering what European solidarity really means as they grapple with an economic meltdown, a social calamity and now an unprecedented refugee crisis.Nor are they any comfort to the millions of Muslims and Jews in Europe who face discrimination on a daily basis.“Words are no longer enough in this matter,” European Council President Donald Tusk told EU ambassadors last week. “We need to deliver.” At present, with the exception of Germany and Austria, the Union and its member states are clearly not delivering.Indeed, with Europe facing its biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War, the EU has been virtually invisible, paralysed by divisions, hampered by half-baked policies and - Merkel apart - incapacitated by the moral and political bankruptcy of its leaders.EU citizens fill the vacuum-The only consolation is that the people of western Europe have filled the vacuum, greeting refugees arriving at train stations in Austria and Germany with smiles and gifts, sending convoys of cars to pick-up those left behind in Hungary and organising makeshift refugee camps in cities like Brussels and Munich.As one Austrian activist told the BBC: “Politics has failed, so we have to do something.”Europe’s inability to translate its values into deeds has potentially catastrophic consequences - not just for the hundreds of thousands of refugees that desperately need our help, but also for the EU’s very existence.Because when fundamental values are flouted with impunity by one member, as is the case with Hungary, they cease to have meaning for all members.When freedom, democracy and the rule of law are extolled but not upheld or defended, the enemies of those values - like Russia and China - are strengthened.And when a gaping chasm opens up between the lofty ideals mouthed by EU leaders and the grubby reality they preside over, those rulers start to resemble “The Hollow Men” in T.S. Eliot’s poem: “Our dried voices, when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass or rats’ feet over broken glass in our dry cellar. Shape without form, shade without colour, paralysed force, gesture without motion.”Gareth Harding is managing director of Clear Europe, a communications company. He also runs the Missouri School of Journalism's Brussels programme. Follow him on Twitter @garethharding
Germany sets example on EU migrants-By Nikolaj Nielsen-SEPT 7,15-EUOBSERVER
BRUSSELS, Today, 09:25-Germany has taken a moral lead to the EU’s refugee crisis as it welcomes thousands on a daily basis and sets aside €6 billion in asylum relief funds.Around 18,000 people seeking refuge arrived in Germany from Austria over the weekend. Some 10,000 went to the southern German city of Munich and were greeted by cheering crowds of locals.“I am not really thinking about how many people can we afford and can we take here in Munich. That is not the question”, Munich’s mayor Dieter Reiter told reporters on Sunday (6 September).Germany’s ruling coalition said state and local governments will receive €3 billion to help accommodate arrivals. Another €3 billion will be put aside to pay for other expenses like benefits.Germany is expected to receive around 800,000 asylum seekers this year.Munich’s weekend spike arrived after Austria relaxed asylum transit restrictions with Hungary. Stranded refugees in Hungary were allowed to board buses and trains to Austria.A caravan of some 140 cars driven by volunteers from Germany and Austria also helped.But the opened policy is now set to end in “step by step” process, Austria’s chancellor Werner Faymann said on Sunday.Faymann, who spoke to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orgban, said the move is needed to “ensure the common security of the (European Union's) external borders, safeguard fair asylum procedures and achieve a fair distribution of asylum seekers by means of a European quota.”-Quotas-Germany and France are pushing for a more equitable distribution of asylum seekers. Both back imposing a mandatory quota on how many each member state should accommodate.European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker is set to announce on Wednesday a new plan to distribute 120,000 asylum seekers from Greece, Italy and Hungary. All three are a main point of entry into the EU for people seeking asylum.Leaked documents of Juncker’s plan published in the De Volkskrant newspaper indicate that France and Germany will take in the most with 24,031 and 31,443, respectively, followed by Spain (14,931), and Poland (9,287).Malta will take in the fewest at 133, followed by Cyprus (274), and Estonia (373).No figures are given on the United Kingdom, which opted out in a similar plan proposed over the summer to relocate 40,000.-UK and US criticism-Last week, UK prime minister David Cameron announced they are ready to accept thousands of Syrians refugees and increase development aid to Syria.But Cameron’s plan has come under attack.British centre-left MEP Claude Moraes, who heads the European Parliament’s civil liberties committee, said it means the UK won’t participate in the 120,000 relocation scheme.“[It] is a clear signal that the UK wishes to continue opting out of a co-coordinated response to the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since the Second World War”, said Moraes in a statement.Criticism has also been directed at the United States."The United States has always been a leader in refugee resettlement but 1,500 people over four years is such a miniscule contribution to tackling the human side of this problem,” said former British foreign secretary David Miliband, who now heads the International Rescue Committee.
09/ 6/2015-VATICAN INSIDER-Pope calls on every parish across Europe to house refugee families-Francis made an extraordinary appeal on Sunday, asking every parish and Catholic community across Europe to house one of the tens of thousands of refugee families crossing the continent. Christian hope, the pontiff said, is "combative" and requires concrete action.-JOSHUA J. McELWEE
Vatican City-Pope Francis has made an extraordinary appeal to every single Catholic parish and community across Europe, asking each to house at least one of the tens of thousands of refugee families risking death to migrate to the continent from the Middle East.Making the appeal during his weekly Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square on Sunday, the pontiff said the Gospel does not allow Christians to sit back from helping those in need."In front of the tragedy of the tens of thousands of refugees escaping death by war or hunger, on the path towards the hope of life, the Gospel calls us, asks us to be 'neighbors' of the smallest and most abandoned," Francis told the crowds in the Square.Christians, the pope said, must give the refugees "a concrete hope. Not only to say: 'Courage, patience!'" Christian hope, he said, "is combative, with the tenacity of someone going towards a sure goal.""To this end, with the nearing of the Jubilee of Mercy, I address an appeal to the parishes, to the religious communities, to the monasteries and sanctuaries of all of Europe to express the concreteness of the Gospel and welcome a family of refugees," said Francis, calling it "a concrete gesture in preparation of the Holy Year of Mercy."The pontiff specified the scope of his request: "Every parish, every religious community, every monastery, every sanctuary of Europe house a family, starting from my diocese of Rome."The pope said that even the two small parishes at the Vatican "will welcome in these days two families of refugees.""I address myself to my brother bishops of Europe ... that in their dioceses they will support this appeal of mine, remembering that Mercy is the second name of Love," said the pontiff, quoting Matthew's Gospel: "'Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'"Francis extraordinary appeal to Catholics across Europe comes after a week that saw worldwide attention drawn to the refugee crisis, with news of migrants struggling to cross the border from Hungary to Austria and global spread of the image of a boy who drowned while trying to make the journey.The scale and continuing nature of the crisis has shocked nations across the continent, which have struggled in their response to the sheer numbers of people risking death on journeys in makeshift boats or even by foot from countries throughout the Middle East.The U.N. refugee agency said Europe might need to accept some 200,000 refugees to stem the crisis.The pope made his appeal Sunday after reflecting on the Gospel reading for the day, which sees Jesus heal a man who was deaf and had some sort of speech impediment.Francis said that Jesus' action in the episode, where he first looks to Heaven before making the miracle, shows that God "is not closed in Gods-self, but is open and puts Gods-self in communication with humanity.""In God's immense mercy, God surpasses the abyss of infinite difference between Him and us, and comes to meet us," said the pope. "To realize this communication with humankind, God is made man: it is not enough to speak to us through the law and the prophets, but God makes Gods-self present in the person of his Son, the Word made flesh.""Jesus is the great 'bridge builder' that constructs in himself the great bridge of full communion with the Father," said the pontiff."This Gospel speaks also to us," said Francis. "Often we are withdrawn and closed in ourselves and we create many inaccessible and inhospitable islands.""So much so that the most basic human relations at times are created from reality unable to make reciprocal openness: the closed couple, the closed family, the closed group, the closed parish, the closed homeland," he continued. "This is not from God! This is ours; this is our sin."[Joshua J. McElwee is the Vatican Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter.]
09/ 5/2015-VATICAN INSIDER-Francis: “I am coming to the US to be close to the people”-Francis prepares for his visit to the US-In a virtual audience aired on US television network ABC yesterday evening, Pope Francis explained the spirit in which he is preparing for his Apostolic Visit to America from 22 to 27 September. The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia will be a key moment of his trip. The Pope spoke via satellite with immigrants and various individuals who have experienced social unease. “I want to help you along your life’s journey”-PAOLO PETRINI
ROME-“I am coming to the United States to be close to the people and help them along their life’s journey.” Pope Francis said this during the course of a videoconference, aired yesterday evening on US television network ABC. The Pope explained how he was preparing for the apostolic visit to America from 22 to 27 September, where he will attend the World Meeting of Families. The Pope spoke via satellite to immigrants, a group of homeless people and other Americans. Vatican Radio reported on the virtual audience.The importance of closeness-Pope Francis is preparing for the trip to the US by blessing and listening to those who cannot afford the “American dream” – guests of schools for the poor, homeless centres and immigrants who have had to start from scratch having crossed the US-Mexico border. Francis shared his feelings ahead of the trip and explained to the needy - whom he always gives special attention to - the reason for this important visit that will take him to the White House and the UN: I am at the service of all men and women of goodwill. There is one thing that is very important to me and that is closeness. I find it hard to be away from the people. When I come close to people, as will do with you, it is easier for me to understand you and help you along your life’s journey. This is why this visit is so important, it will give me the chance to get close to your journey and your story.”Young people must be courageous and never walk alone-Valery Herrera, a young girl from the Cristo Rey Jesuit high school for marginalised people, told the Pope about a life spent battling against her rare skin disease and the comfort she found in music and her plans to become a pharmacist. Her question to Francis was: “What do you expect of us young people?” The Pope had two things to say: The first, is that young people “should never walk alone in life,” they should be “well-accompanied”, “with Jesus in one hand and Mary in the other”. And secondly, they should walk with courage: “do you know how sad it is to see a young person who has no courage? This is a sad young person, a young person with a distressed look on their face, a young person who is joyless. Courage gives you joy and joy gives you hope, which is naturally a gift from God. It is true that there are many difficulties along life’s journey. Never be afraid of difficulties! Be prudent, be careful, but do not be afraid. You have the strength to overcome them. Don’t be afraid, don’t stop.”Walk with your head held high-The word “courage” crops up often in Francis’ thoughts. Courage is essential in surviving any situation. In a moving moment during the virtual audience, the Pope expresses his affection and admiration for a teenage mum and one of her daughters, 11 year-old Alisa: “You are a courageous woman because you found the strength to bring your two daughters into the world. You could have killed them in your belly, but you respected life, you respected the life that was growing inside you and God will reward you for this and does reward you. You must not feel ashamed, walk with your head held high and say to yourself: ‘I have not killed my daughters, I brought them into this world’. I commend you for this. I commend you and may God bless you.”We are all responsible for each other-The video link switched south, to Texas, where the where the dust from the warm earth of the arid surroundings, is an oasis to thousands of migrants who reach the border. One of them, Ricardo, who immigrated when he was 4, told Francis about how he had had to become the man of the house at the age of 16 because of an accident his father had been in. “With all the problems that exist in the world, such as poverty, our educational system and immigration, what do you think the answer to these problems is?” he asked the Pope. When I look at “life’s many injustices”, Francis replied, I think of “history’s greatest injustice”, Jesus’ Cross. He was “born in the street,” “a homeless person”, and I think of his “silence” on the Cross. The Pope said that in that silence, he was able to understand every dramatic situation in the world, repeating that: “the exploitation of others is not a path”: “We are made for ‘social friendship’. We are all responsible for each other. No one can say: ‘my responsibility ends here’. We are all responsible for each other, helping each other, each in our own way. Social friendship is the reason why God created us (…). Speaking in football terms, I could say the game is between ‘social friendship’ and ‘social enmity’. Each of us needs to make a choice in our hears and we must help to make this a heartfelt choice.”Fleeing death-The videoconference ended with the Pope expressing his appreciation for the “great” – as Francis put it – job being done by US nuns and thanked a group of Chicago students for a Cross that was given to him as a gift. Above all, Francis lent a special ear to the story of Wendy, an 11-year-old girl who came to Texas with her mother from San Salvador, to escape gang violence. The young girl’s story culminated in tears as she showed the Pope a photo and Francis thanked her. Her sobs contained the echo of God’s silence.
Francis’ virtual audience on ABC News: “I am coming to the US to be close to the people”
I am coming to the US to be “close to the people” and help them along their “life’s journey”. In a virtual audience aired on US television network ABC yesterday evening, Pope Francis explained the spirit in which he is preparing for his Apostolic Visit to America from 22 to 27 September. The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia will be a key moment of his trip. The Pope spoke via satellite with immigrants and various individuals who have experienced social unease.
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