JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)
And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.
1 And there was given me a(MEASURING) reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out,(TO THE WORLD NATIONS) and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.(JERUSALEM DIVIDED BUT THE 3RD TEMPLE ALLOWED TO BE REBUILT)
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
MICAH 4:1-5
1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
4 But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it.
5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.
DANIEL 11:31
31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.(3RD TEMPLE REBUILT)
DANIEL 12:11
MATTHEW 24:15-16
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)(THE DICTATOR SITS IN THE REBUILT 3RD TEMPLE CALLING HIMSELF GOD AT THE MIDPOINT OR 3 1/2 YEAR PERIOD OF THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION PERIOD.OR 7 YEAR PEACE TREATY BETWEEN ISRAEL-ARABS AND MANY OF DANIEL 9:27)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: - fax 057-7976007 . פקס - mobile 050-6733831 נייד - Tel. 025661962 .Rachel Eimenu 47 Jerusalem 93228 רחל אמנו 47 ירושלים – E-mail :
The Sanhedrin Court of 71 Judges on Mount Zion-In the Holy City of Jerusalem-4th of Elul 5775-(August 19, 15)-Case Number__5775/1_
Indictment Court Document:
INDICTMENT:The People Israel-VS.
1. Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, the Vatican
2. President of the United States, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama
3. Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry, The White House, Washington, D.C. United States of America
4. The signatory nations to the Iran Nuclear Agreement; “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”, (the US, Great Britain, Russia, Germany, France and China)
5. The United Nations Security Council
7. The Supreme Court of the United States of America
8. The Human Rights Court in The Hague, Netherlands
9. The International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands
10. The European Union
Collectively and each individually stand accused:
Breach of the Covenant betwen Gd and the Descendents of Noah
1. After the flood, Gd made a covenant with Noah, in the name of all of his current and future descendants, that is all of humanity, to uphold seven basic tenets of civilization. These tenets fall under the basic rubrics of respecting the Almighty, and not cursing Him; establishing courts of justices; respecting life, and the prohibition of murder and bloodshed; respect of property. and the prohibition against theft; upholding basic semblance of sexual morality and the prohibition of forbidden unions including, but not limited to, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality, and other perversions; and respect for nature and animals, including the prohibition of eating the limb from a living animal.
Overt Acts
2. The accused, collectively and individually, have knowingly and willfully violated the solemn and holy covenant between God and humanity through the perversion of justice, bloodshed, idolatry, theft, sexual immorality, false testimony, and other multiple violations.
Theft and Conspiracy to conduct theft of the Land of Israelfrom the People of Israel
3. The Land of Israel is exclusive patrimony of the People of Israel, as stated in the Tanakh, also known as the Holy Bible, which is considered the foundation and authoritative for of all monotheistic religions. It is an accepted point of fact of history, and considered common knowledge that from the time of Abraham, , the Land of Canaan, and the territory of the 'Seven Nations' is considered the exclusive home and patrimony of and for the People of Israel. This is in fact, an eternal promise, acknowledged by the world, including and as represented by the defendants, from the Creator and Master of the World, the Gd of Israel, Who bequeathed the Land of Israel to the patriarchs Avraham (Abraham), YitsHaq (Isaac) and Ya'aqov (Jacob), and their descendants, His Chosen People, Israel. This promised was acknowledged and fulfilled when the Gd of Israel freed His People from slavery under Pharaoh, and delivered them out of the land of Egypt. The promise was further ratified at Mount Sinai, and in the plains of Moab and through the conquest by Y'hoshua (Joshua) son of Nun. The promise and title to the Land of Israel is eternally valid, and has no expiration.
4. Today there are approximately seven million Jews, descendants and rightful claimants of the patrimony. living in the western portion of the Land of Israel, including the area known as the Golan Heights. This represents the promised in-gathering of the exiles who have and are returning from the four corners of the globe. This return of the Children of Israel is historical proof that the promise's continued validity. In addition, there are approximately half a million self identified Arab residents, who are distant descendants of the seed of Israel, who lost or abandoned their national and religious identification through fear, and coercion from various foreign rulers and occupiers, including but not limited to the Roman, Byzantine, Persian, Arab, Crusader, Mameluke, Ottoman and British occupations.
5. The accused, as individuals and acting in concert have purposefully, intentionally and with malice, both publicly and in secret, have acted to undermine, diminish, repudiate and deny the People Israel's historic, moral and legitimate right to the Land of Israel. It has besmirched the name of Israel in world forums, and perpetuated a campaign of lies and propaganda in order to rob Israel of its birthright.
Overt Acts
6. The accused, collectively and individually, have publicly and legally, accorded official recognition to a foreign and hostile entity within the territory of the Land of Israel, and has recognized it as a legitimate state entity. This entity, known as the so-called 'Palestinian Authority' is a foreign body, whose sole reason for existence is the removal of the People Israel from their rightful and legitimate patrimony.
7. The accused, collectively and individually, masquerading their efforts as promoting peace and justice, have in fact, advanced false arguments, lies, slander and defamation in order to obfuscate Israel's rightful claim to the territory known as the Land of Israel. It has falsely accused Israel of being an occupier, of perpetrating war crimes, of enforcing a policy of apartheid and of breaching international laws treaties. All of these claims are false.
8. The accused, collectively and individually, along with their subsidiary organizations, have devoted huge sums of money and resources to establish the false “Palestinian” entity in place of Israel. They have trained its armies and security forces, provided and/or sold this entity weapons and provided weaponry to neighboring peoples of the region with the intent and purpose of pressuring Israel. They have condoned or failed to condemn the mass corruption, theft and financial waste invested in the “Palestinian” entity and neighboring countries, at the expense of the self-identified Arab residence, in order to allow terror organizations known as Fatah, Hamas, and an others to pursue their goal of eliminating eradicate the Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. It is to be recalled that during that period known as the Holocaust, wherein the expressed goal was the eradication of the Jewish People, many of the accused and associate organizations collaborated, assisted, facilitated, or failed to respond to the self same goal of the Nazis, to whit, the elimination of the Jewish People.
9. The accused, collectively and individually, have, in addition to the above, willfully ignored the exclusive national rights of the Jewish People in accordance with international law, as decided by unanimous vote of the members of the League of Nations through the (1920) San Remo Resolution. This resolution recognizes the entirety of the Land of Israel as the National Home of the Jewish People.
10. The accused, collectively and individually, refuse to acknowledge and ignore the fact that the representatives of the so-called 'Palestinians' refused the partition plan known as United Nations Resolution 181. It should be noted that the resolution, having been adopted by the General Assembly, and not the Security Council only has the authority of a recommendation, and therefore, legally, the Land of Israel was left undivided as in the original Mandate of (1920). However, the refusal by the Arab countries and the Arab occupiers of the Land of Israel to recognize the partition recommendation reflected their genocidal impulse and desire to destroy the Jewish people.
Bloodshed, Murder and Standing Idly by the Blood of Others
11. The term “Palestine” is the historic appellation given by the Romans to the Land of Israel, and has never referred to any political state or nation in the Land of Israel, whether Arab or otherwise, and has never represented the inhabitants of the region. The local inhabitants in the Land of Israel, and the region were identified as part of Southern Syria or of the Ottoman Empire, which forfeited its possessions with its defeat in World War I.
12. When Rome conquered the Land of Israel in the year 3828 from the Creation of the World (1,947 years ago), they referred to the region as “Judea Capta,” which translates as “Judea has been conquered,” and later to emphasize and deepen the defeat, the Romans renamed the region, “Palestine,” after the former adversary in the region, the Philistim (Philistines), a people who had been lost to history.
13. When the Jews were being thrown out of Europe, prior to the Holocaust, it was done so under the slogan: “Jew, go to Palestine!” The intended reference was clearly akin to “Jew, go home.” that is, to the region of the Land of Israel. It was not referring to an Arab country, or any country, but rather the land of his ancestors.
Overt Acts
14. The accused, collectively and individually, have promoted bloodshed, by terrorist organizations and tyrannical regimes by offering them legitimacy and support.
15. The accused, collectively and individually, have provided comfort and support, resources, training weaponry and equipment to murderous organizations.
16. The accused, collectively and individually, have willfully ignored the massacres and human rights violations occurring in the Arab world, and in Iran.
17. The accused, collectively and individually, witness and document the flow of chemical and other dangerous weapons, uninterrupted into the hands of ISIL and other terror organizations, and yet fail to act.
18. The accused, collectively and individually, have promoted and established that the The grounds for achieving a just peace should be through the recognition of an entity known as “Palestine” as a state. This has led to and facilitated the armament of the entire region, and has created a narrative wherein the “Palestinian conflict” is the focus and cause of all regional conflicts. This has justified providing the most sophisticated weaponry to the region's powers.
19. The accused, collectively and individually, either knowingly or through negligence, have advanced the diabolical goal of the eliminating the Israel and the Jewish People from their Land, and have undermined its status in the world.
20. Defendants #2, #3, #4, #5, and #10, collectively and individually, whether through criminal negligence or malice, signed a nuclear agreement with Iran that will endanger the world threatens the very existence of Israel, if not the total genocide of the People of Israel.
21. The accused continue to turn a blind eye to the clear, grave, imminent and certain danger which will result from the flawed agreement, instead have turned their animosity and aggression against Israel. The present agreement with Iran will lead to an arms race among the other nations of the region, which will lead to further bloodshed.
Perversion of Justice
Overt Acts
22. The accused, collectively and individually, have perverted justice by ignoring agreed conventions and international law, in particular concerning the Land of Israel as the National Home of the Jewish People.
23. The accused, collectively and individually, have allowed for tyrants to tyrannize their own people. They have perverted justice by allowing the term 'human rights' to become a political tool and allow it to be used cynical manner.
24. The accused, collectively and individually, have accepted Syria and Iran as members, and at some times even as chairperson of the Human Rights Commission, This is a blemish to the Covenant and a perversion of the proclaimed commitment of humanity towards peace.
25. The accused, collectively and individually, accepted Iran into the family of nations by signing the Nuclear Agreement, while knowing that murderous and savage intent of the Iranian regime. Iran explained their achievements are after signing the agreement in Vienna as such:
"In the negotiations we sought to achieve four goals:
The first goal was to continue the nuclear capabilities, the nuclear technology, and even the nuclear activity within Iran.
The second goal was to lift the mistaken, oppressive, and inhumane sanctions.
The third goal was to remove all the UN Security Council Resolutions that we view as illegal.
The fourth goal was to remove the Iranian nuclear dossier from Chapter VII of the UN Charter and from the Security Council in general.
In today's agreement, in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, all four goals have been achieved. Of course, as we know, the immense effort on the part of the diplomats, the jurists, the economists and the nuclear scientists continued for these 23 months in order to guard our red lines and in order to achieve our goals.”
Therefore, you stand upon the blood of your brother Jacob and are handing him over to be killed.
26. The accused, collectively and individually have twisted rules of evidence and rules of equitable judgment. they have distorted the courts, justice and the rule of law in order to attain results according to the lusts of their own hearts, in particular, and specifically, in regards to the matter of sexual immorality by creating a category of marriage that defies the definition of a sanctified union, i.e. homosexual marriage.
Overt Acts
27. The accused, collectively and individually have forsaken the One True and only Gd. some of the accused have done so through obfuscation of the total Oneness and Unity of Gd
28. Defendant #1 has perpetrated such obfuscation through its doctrine of a trinity, and has confused its followers, who sincerely seek true communion with the One True Gd by placing themselves as a false intermediary.
29. Defendants #2 through #10 have either replaced or superseded the One True Gd with false gods labeled “humanity,” 'moral relativity,' and have promoted the primacy of 'individual choice,' 'personal happiness,' 'sexual freedom,' and 'self determination' in all matters of ethics and morality.
30. The accused, collectively and individually have undermined the birthright of the People of Israel, following in the footsteps of Esau by subverting the birthright of Jacob. For that purpose they claim that the Lord, the Gd of Israel has replaced His Nation with another nation.
Sexual Immorality
Overt Acts
31. Defendants #2, #3, #7, and 10, collectively and individually have promoted of sexual immorality in the world, particularly in the matter of homosexuality, and through the promotion of and promiscuity.
32. The defendants have promoted, legislated, and imposed through psychological, financial and medical techniques and resources a corrupt and corrupting ideology on the citizens of the world, in order to create an abomination which they call the “new family,” but in reality is an concerted effort to undermine the traditional family unit, and the sanctity of marriage. The defendants have led a campaign of wanton self indulgence and rampant promiscuity with the goal of separating the individual from his natural support base, and thus weakening his ability to withstand governmental control.
Bearing False Witness and Distortion of the Truth
Overt Acts
33. The accused, collectively and individually, ignore, obfuscate, and gloss over crimes of genocide committed throughout the Middle East, and the world. These include , but are not limited to cases of genocide against various ethnic groups, such as the Yazidis, the Kurds and the Druze, as well as against Jews.
34. The accused, collectively and individually fuel hostility among the Arabs and encourage aggression by the de facto granting of immunity from atrocities.
35. The consequences of the war of the nations of the world against Israel are described in the books of the Prophets Ezekiel1, Zechariah, Joel, Zephaniah and Obadiah, and
1 . Ezekiel 36
5 therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Surely in the fire of My jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the nations, and against all Edom, that have appointed My land unto themselves for a possession with the joy of all their heart, with disdain of soul, to cast it out for a prey;
6 therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say unto the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys: Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I have spoken in My jealousy and in My fury, because ye have borne the shame of the nations;known to all, and yet the defendants, collectively and individually have perpetuated, either through criminal negligence or malicious intent, the expected catastrophe outcome, which will fall upon the nations of the world.
36. Our sages are accusing Esau, brother of Jacob, in whose path you are following, of the following crimes: theft, immorality, bloodshed, and idolatry. This intent of this indictment, is not only serve the side of justice but also to act as a warning to the world of the inevitable outcome that will arise if the acts of the defendants are not immediately reversed.
37. The expression of divine peace and justice, as known to all students of the Bible, is contained in the very verses which appear on the Isaiah Wall of the United Nations in New York: “And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks”. Those same verses were part of the Divine Service in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, in the section of prayers meant for all the nations, as well as part of the sacrifices, sacrifices for peace, justice, prevention of war and promotion of peace.
The 71 Judges of the Sanhedrin.
7 therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: I have lifted up My hand: Surely the nations that are round about you, they shall bear their shame.
The defendants, collectively and/or individually are invited to avoid trial, or delay proceedings through the act of repentance, in order that disaster for the defendants and the world can be avoided. As such the defendants, collectively or individually are invited to publicly declare:
1. All of the Land of Israel, according to its full borders as defined in the Five Books of Moses and the Books of the Prophets, is the exclusive and rightful inheritance and patrimony of the People of Israel. That it is the property of the Children of Israel, the Jewish People.
2. That the defendants will do everything in their power to help the People of Israel return to their Land in total. As the Bible says: “So said the Lord of Armies: In those days it will come to pass that ten men from all the languages of the nations will take hold, and they will grab onto the corner of the garment of a Jewish man saying: we will go with you because we have heard that the Lord is with you.” Zechariah 8:23
3. That the defendants will renounce all recognition of a foreign state or a foreign entity within the borders of Land of Israel to the full extent of its borders as defined by the Bible.
4. That the defendants will support the building of the Holy Temple to the Gd of Israel, Lord of the world, in order to radiate peace to the world and to atone for the misdeeds of the nations and bring offering of repentance before the whole world.
Let it Be known, that, if the defendants do not choose what is right, and good they will stand for charges listed in the indictment against them.
You are hereby summoned, collectively and individually to answer to these accusations. The commencement of the trial will take place on Mount Zion, on the 25th of Elul 5775 (which this year corresponds to September 9th), the anniversary of the creation of the world. There, you will be allowed to speak in your own defense.
If you ignore this summons and neglect to appear before the court, a defense attorney of the court’s choosing will be appointed to represent you.
We hereby include the previous letters that were sent to each of you, each with the specific arguments per each defendant. They should be considered as part of the indictment.
For More Information See:
The Sanhedrin Today:
Pope Francis to Court:
Who were the Sanhedrin in Biblical times:
And here are the bounderies of the land that Israel will inherit either through war or peace or God in the future. God says its Israels land and only Israels land. They will have every inch God promised them of this land in the future.
Egypt east of the Nile River, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, The southern part of Turkey and the Western Half of Iraq west of the Euphrates. Gen 13:14-15, Psm 105:9,11, Gen 15:18, Exe 23:31, Num 34:1-12, Josh 1:4.ALL THIS LAND ISRAEL WILL DEFINATELY OWN IN THE FUTURE, ITS ISRAELS NOT ISHMAELS LAND.
1 And there was given me a(MEASURING) reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
2 But the court which is without the temple leave out,(TO THE WORLD NATIONS) and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.(JERUSALEM DIVIDED BUT THE 3RD TEMPLE ALLOWED TO BE REBUILT)
27 And he( THE ROMAN,EU PRESIDENT) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:(1X7=7 YEARS) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,(3 1/2 yrs in TEMPLE SACRIFICES STOPPED) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
MICAH 4:1-5
1 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
4 But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it.
5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever.
DANIEL 11:31
31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.(3RD TEMPLE REBUILT)
DANIEL 12:11
MATTHEW 24:15-16
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)(THE DICTATOR SITS IN THE REBUILT 3RD TEMPLE CALLING HIMSELF GOD AT THE MIDPOINT OR 3 1/2 YEAR PERIOD OF THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION PERIOD.OR 7 YEAR PEACE TREATY BETWEEN ISRAEL-ARABS AND MANY OF DANIEL 9:27)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: - fax 057-7976007 . פקס - mobile 050-6733831 נייד - Tel. 025661962 .Rachel Eimenu 47 Jerusalem 93228 רחל אמנו 47 ירושלים – E-mail :
The Sanhedrin Court of 71 Judges on Mount Zion-In the Holy City of Jerusalem-4th of Elul 5775-(August 19, 15)-Case Number__5775/1_
Indictment Court Document:
INDICTMENT:The People Israel-VS.
1. Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, the Vatican
2. President of the United States, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama
3. Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry, The White House, Washington, D.C. United States of America
4. The signatory nations to the Iran Nuclear Agreement; “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”, (the US, Great Britain, Russia, Germany, France and China)
5. The United Nations Security Council
7. The Supreme Court of the United States of America
8. The Human Rights Court in The Hague, Netherlands
9. The International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands
10. The European Union
Collectively and each individually stand accused:
Breach of the Covenant betwen Gd and the Descendents of Noah
1. After the flood, Gd made a covenant with Noah, in the name of all of his current and future descendants, that is all of humanity, to uphold seven basic tenets of civilization. These tenets fall under the basic rubrics of respecting the Almighty, and not cursing Him; establishing courts of justices; respecting life, and the prohibition of murder and bloodshed; respect of property. and the prohibition against theft; upholding basic semblance of sexual morality and the prohibition of forbidden unions including, but not limited to, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality, and other perversions; and respect for nature and animals, including the prohibition of eating the limb from a living animal.
Overt Acts
2. The accused, collectively and individually, have knowingly and willfully violated the solemn and holy covenant between God and humanity through the perversion of justice, bloodshed, idolatry, theft, sexual immorality, false testimony, and other multiple violations.
Theft and Conspiracy to conduct theft of the Land of Israelfrom the People of Israel
3. The Land of Israel is exclusive patrimony of the People of Israel, as stated in the Tanakh, also known as the Holy Bible, which is considered the foundation and authoritative for of all monotheistic religions. It is an accepted point of fact of history, and considered common knowledge that from the time of Abraham, , the Land of Canaan, and the territory of the 'Seven Nations' is considered the exclusive home and patrimony of and for the People of Israel. This is in fact, an eternal promise, acknowledged by the world, including and as represented by the defendants, from the Creator and Master of the World, the Gd of Israel, Who bequeathed the Land of Israel to the patriarchs Avraham (Abraham), YitsHaq (Isaac) and Ya'aqov (Jacob), and their descendants, His Chosen People, Israel. This promised was acknowledged and fulfilled when the Gd of Israel freed His People from slavery under Pharaoh, and delivered them out of the land of Egypt. The promise was further ratified at Mount Sinai, and in the plains of Moab and through the conquest by Y'hoshua (Joshua) son of Nun. The promise and title to the Land of Israel is eternally valid, and has no expiration.
4. Today there are approximately seven million Jews, descendants and rightful claimants of the patrimony. living in the western portion of the Land of Israel, including the area known as the Golan Heights. This represents the promised in-gathering of the exiles who have and are returning from the four corners of the globe. This return of the Children of Israel is historical proof that the promise's continued validity. In addition, there are approximately half a million self identified Arab residents, who are distant descendants of the seed of Israel, who lost or abandoned their national and religious identification through fear, and coercion from various foreign rulers and occupiers, including but not limited to the Roman, Byzantine, Persian, Arab, Crusader, Mameluke, Ottoman and British occupations.
5. The accused, as individuals and acting in concert have purposefully, intentionally and with malice, both publicly and in secret, have acted to undermine, diminish, repudiate and deny the People Israel's historic, moral and legitimate right to the Land of Israel. It has besmirched the name of Israel in world forums, and perpetuated a campaign of lies and propaganda in order to rob Israel of its birthright.
Overt Acts
6. The accused, collectively and individually, have publicly and legally, accorded official recognition to a foreign and hostile entity within the territory of the Land of Israel, and has recognized it as a legitimate state entity. This entity, known as the so-called 'Palestinian Authority' is a foreign body, whose sole reason for existence is the removal of the People Israel from their rightful and legitimate patrimony.
7. The accused, collectively and individually, masquerading their efforts as promoting peace and justice, have in fact, advanced false arguments, lies, slander and defamation in order to obfuscate Israel's rightful claim to the territory known as the Land of Israel. It has falsely accused Israel of being an occupier, of perpetrating war crimes, of enforcing a policy of apartheid and of breaching international laws treaties. All of these claims are false.
8. The accused, collectively and individually, along with their subsidiary organizations, have devoted huge sums of money and resources to establish the false “Palestinian” entity in place of Israel. They have trained its armies and security forces, provided and/or sold this entity weapons and provided weaponry to neighboring peoples of the region with the intent and purpose of pressuring Israel. They have condoned or failed to condemn the mass corruption, theft and financial waste invested in the “Palestinian” entity and neighboring countries, at the expense of the self-identified Arab residence, in order to allow terror organizations known as Fatah, Hamas, and an others to pursue their goal of eliminating eradicate the Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. It is to be recalled that during that period known as the Holocaust, wherein the expressed goal was the eradication of the Jewish People, many of the accused and associate organizations collaborated, assisted, facilitated, or failed to respond to the self same goal of the Nazis, to whit, the elimination of the Jewish People.
9. The accused, collectively and individually, have, in addition to the above, willfully ignored the exclusive national rights of the Jewish People in accordance with international law, as decided by unanimous vote of the members of the League of Nations through the (1920) San Remo Resolution. This resolution recognizes the entirety of the Land of Israel as the National Home of the Jewish People.
10. The accused, collectively and individually, refuse to acknowledge and ignore the fact that the representatives of the so-called 'Palestinians' refused the partition plan known as United Nations Resolution 181. It should be noted that the resolution, having been adopted by the General Assembly, and not the Security Council only has the authority of a recommendation, and therefore, legally, the Land of Israel was left undivided as in the original Mandate of (1920). However, the refusal by the Arab countries and the Arab occupiers of the Land of Israel to recognize the partition recommendation reflected their genocidal impulse and desire to destroy the Jewish people.
Bloodshed, Murder and Standing Idly by the Blood of Others
11. The term “Palestine” is the historic appellation given by the Romans to the Land of Israel, and has never referred to any political state or nation in the Land of Israel, whether Arab or otherwise, and has never represented the inhabitants of the region. The local inhabitants in the Land of Israel, and the region were identified as part of Southern Syria or of the Ottoman Empire, which forfeited its possessions with its defeat in World War I.
12. When Rome conquered the Land of Israel in the year 3828 from the Creation of the World (1,947 years ago), they referred to the region as “Judea Capta,” which translates as “Judea has been conquered,” and later to emphasize and deepen the defeat, the Romans renamed the region, “Palestine,” after the former adversary in the region, the Philistim (Philistines), a people who had been lost to history.
13. When the Jews were being thrown out of Europe, prior to the Holocaust, it was done so under the slogan: “Jew, go to Palestine!” The intended reference was clearly akin to “Jew, go home.” that is, to the region of the Land of Israel. It was not referring to an Arab country, or any country, but rather the land of his ancestors.
Overt Acts
14. The accused, collectively and individually, have promoted bloodshed, by terrorist organizations and tyrannical regimes by offering them legitimacy and support.
15. The accused, collectively and individually, have provided comfort and support, resources, training weaponry and equipment to murderous organizations.
16. The accused, collectively and individually, have willfully ignored the massacres and human rights violations occurring in the Arab world, and in Iran.
17. The accused, collectively and individually, witness and document the flow of chemical and other dangerous weapons, uninterrupted into the hands of ISIL and other terror organizations, and yet fail to act.
18. The accused, collectively and individually, have promoted and established that the The grounds for achieving a just peace should be through the recognition of an entity known as “Palestine” as a state. This has led to and facilitated the armament of the entire region, and has created a narrative wherein the “Palestinian conflict” is the focus and cause of all regional conflicts. This has justified providing the most sophisticated weaponry to the region's powers.
19. The accused, collectively and individually, either knowingly or through negligence, have advanced the diabolical goal of the eliminating the Israel and the Jewish People from their Land, and have undermined its status in the world.
20. Defendants #2, #3, #4, #5, and #10, collectively and individually, whether through criminal negligence or malice, signed a nuclear agreement with Iran that will endanger the world threatens the very existence of Israel, if not the total genocide of the People of Israel.
21. The accused continue to turn a blind eye to the clear, grave, imminent and certain danger which will result from the flawed agreement, instead have turned their animosity and aggression against Israel. The present agreement with Iran will lead to an arms race among the other nations of the region, which will lead to further bloodshed.
Perversion of Justice
Overt Acts
22. The accused, collectively and individually, have perverted justice by ignoring agreed conventions and international law, in particular concerning the Land of Israel as the National Home of the Jewish People.
23. The accused, collectively and individually, have allowed for tyrants to tyrannize their own people. They have perverted justice by allowing the term 'human rights' to become a political tool and allow it to be used cynical manner.
24. The accused, collectively and individually, have accepted Syria and Iran as members, and at some times even as chairperson of the Human Rights Commission, This is a blemish to the Covenant and a perversion of the proclaimed commitment of humanity towards peace.
25. The accused, collectively and individually, accepted Iran into the family of nations by signing the Nuclear Agreement, while knowing that murderous and savage intent of the Iranian regime. Iran explained their achievements are after signing the agreement in Vienna as such:
"In the negotiations we sought to achieve four goals:
The first goal was to continue the nuclear capabilities, the nuclear technology, and even the nuclear activity within Iran.
The second goal was to lift the mistaken, oppressive, and inhumane sanctions.
The third goal was to remove all the UN Security Council Resolutions that we view as illegal.
The fourth goal was to remove the Iranian nuclear dossier from Chapter VII of the UN Charter and from the Security Council in general.
In today's agreement, in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, all four goals have been achieved. Of course, as we know, the immense effort on the part of the diplomats, the jurists, the economists and the nuclear scientists continued for these 23 months in order to guard our red lines and in order to achieve our goals.”
Therefore, you stand upon the blood of your brother Jacob and are handing him over to be killed.
26. The accused, collectively and individually have twisted rules of evidence and rules of equitable judgment. they have distorted the courts, justice and the rule of law in order to attain results according to the lusts of their own hearts, in particular, and specifically, in regards to the matter of sexual immorality by creating a category of marriage that defies the definition of a sanctified union, i.e. homosexual marriage.
Overt Acts
27. The accused, collectively and individually have forsaken the One True and only Gd. some of the accused have done so through obfuscation of the total Oneness and Unity of Gd
28. Defendant #1 has perpetrated such obfuscation through its doctrine of a trinity, and has confused its followers, who sincerely seek true communion with the One True Gd by placing themselves as a false intermediary.
29. Defendants #2 through #10 have either replaced or superseded the One True Gd with false gods labeled “humanity,” 'moral relativity,' and have promoted the primacy of 'individual choice,' 'personal happiness,' 'sexual freedom,' and 'self determination' in all matters of ethics and morality.
30. The accused, collectively and individually have undermined the birthright of the People of Israel, following in the footsteps of Esau by subverting the birthright of Jacob. For that purpose they claim that the Lord, the Gd of Israel has replaced His Nation with another nation.
Sexual Immorality
Overt Acts
31. Defendants #2, #3, #7, and 10, collectively and individually have promoted of sexual immorality in the world, particularly in the matter of homosexuality, and through the promotion of and promiscuity.
32. The defendants have promoted, legislated, and imposed through psychological, financial and medical techniques and resources a corrupt and corrupting ideology on the citizens of the world, in order to create an abomination which they call the “new family,” but in reality is an concerted effort to undermine the traditional family unit, and the sanctity of marriage. The defendants have led a campaign of wanton self indulgence and rampant promiscuity with the goal of separating the individual from his natural support base, and thus weakening his ability to withstand governmental control.
Bearing False Witness and Distortion of the Truth
Overt Acts
33. The accused, collectively and individually, ignore, obfuscate, and gloss over crimes of genocide committed throughout the Middle East, and the world. These include , but are not limited to cases of genocide against various ethnic groups, such as the Yazidis, the Kurds and the Druze, as well as against Jews.
34. The accused, collectively and individually fuel hostility among the Arabs and encourage aggression by the de facto granting of immunity from atrocities.
35. The consequences of the war of the nations of the world against Israel are described in the books of the Prophets Ezekiel1, Zechariah, Joel, Zephaniah and Obadiah, and
1 . Ezekiel 36
5 therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Surely in the fire of My jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the nations, and against all Edom, that have appointed My land unto themselves for a possession with the joy of all their heart, with disdain of soul, to cast it out for a prey;
6 therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say unto the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys: Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I have spoken in My jealousy and in My fury, because ye have borne the shame of the nations;known to all, and yet the defendants, collectively and individually have perpetuated, either through criminal negligence or malicious intent, the expected catastrophe outcome, which will fall upon the nations of the world.
36. Our sages are accusing Esau, brother of Jacob, in whose path you are following, of the following crimes: theft, immorality, bloodshed, and idolatry. This intent of this indictment, is not only serve the side of justice but also to act as a warning to the world of the inevitable outcome that will arise if the acts of the defendants are not immediately reversed.
37. The expression of divine peace and justice, as known to all students of the Bible, is contained in the very verses which appear on the Isaiah Wall of the United Nations in New York: “And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks”. Those same verses were part of the Divine Service in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, in the section of prayers meant for all the nations, as well as part of the sacrifices, sacrifices for peace, justice, prevention of war and promotion of peace.
The 71 Judges of the Sanhedrin.
7 therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: I have lifted up My hand: Surely the nations that are round about you, they shall bear their shame.
The defendants, collectively and/or individually are invited to avoid trial, or delay proceedings through the act of repentance, in order that disaster for the defendants and the world can be avoided. As such the defendants, collectively or individually are invited to publicly declare:
1. All of the Land of Israel, according to its full borders as defined in the Five Books of Moses and the Books of the Prophets, is the exclusive and rightful inheritance and patrimony of the People of Israel. That it is the property of the Children of Israel, the Jewish People.
2. That the defendants will do everything in their power to help the People of Israel return to their Land in total. As the Bible says: “So said the Lord of Armies: In those days it will come to pass that ten men from all the languages of the nations will take hold, and they will grab onto the corner of the garment of a Jewish man saying: we will go with you because we have heard that the Lord is with you.” Zechariah 8:23
3. That the defendants will renounce all recognition of a foreign state or a foreign entity within the borders of Land of Israel to the full extent of its borders as defined by the Bible.
4. That the defendants will support the building of the Holy Temple to the Gd of Israel, Lord of the world, in order to radiate peace to the world and to atone for the misdeeds of the nations and bring offering of repentance before the whole world.
Let it Be known, that, if the defendants do not choose what is right, and good they will stand for charges listed in the indictment against them.
You are hereby summoned, collectively and individually to answer to these accusations. The commencement of the trial will take place on Mount Zion, on the 25th of Elul 5775 (which this year corresponds to September 9th), the anniversary of the creation of the world. There, you will be allowed to speak in your own defense.
If you ignore this summons and neglect to appear before the court, a defense attorney of the court’s choosing will be appointed to represent you.
We hereby include the previous letters that were sent to each of you, each with the specific arguments per each defendant. They should be considered as part of the indictment.
For More Information See:
The Sanhedrin Today:
Pope Francis to Court:
Who were the Sanhedrin in Biblical times:
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