JEWISH KING JESUS IS COMING AT THE RAPTURE FOR US IN THE CLOUDS-DON'T MISS IT FOR THE WORLD.THE BIBLE TAKEN LITERALLY- WHEN THE PLAIN SENSE MAKES GOOD SENSE-SEEK NO OTHER SENSE-LEST YOU END UP IN NONSENSE.GET SAVED NOW- CALL ON JESUS TODAY.THE ONLY SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE EARTH - NO OTHER. 1 COR 15:23-JESUS THE FIRST FRUITS-CHRISTIANS RAPTURED TO JESUS-FIRST FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.ROMANS 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.(THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE)
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Chile's Calbuco Volcano erupts for third time in 8 days-By Michael Martinez, CNN-Updated 4:49 PM ET, Thu April 30, 2015-"There is still smoke on and off," says resident with distant view-The volcano erupts for third time since April 22-About 1,500 people are evacuated, an official says, according to CNN Chile.
(CNN)Chile's Calbuco Volcano erupted again Thursday, marking the third time since last week, the National Service of Geology and Mining said.Gregorio Billikopf lives across Lake Llanquihue from the volcano has been photographing and videotaping the three eruptions and described Thursday's event as spectacular but not as severe as the two prior ones."There is still smoke on and off, but nothing so dramatic (as before)," said Billikopf, a retired university adviser on agricultural issues. "On a good day I can see about eight volcanoes."I understand that the rain that was announced for today would have been a disaster," he added.He lives in a rainy part of Chile, which he described as like a Garden of Eden.The explosion produced an extensive plume, but it was also described as smaller than the eruptions on April 22 and April 23, according to CNN Chile.Deputy Interior Minister Mahmud Aleuy said about 1,500 people were evacuated, and security measures will continue as "contingency plans are operating," CNN Chile reported Thursday.For the past several days, the geology agency has maintained there was a possibility of a third eruption as part of steadily declining seismic activity in the area.A 20-kilometer (12-mile) exclusion zone has been established around the crater, and Chilean authorities have been keeping residents away from that zone.Last week, military and police forces helped evacuate more than 4,400 residents, the Interior Ministry said then.The seismic event is sure to add to the volume of ash already spewed since the first eruption.Ash spread to Argentina in the second eruption, which occurred a day after the first.Evacuations in the region involved not only people but also animals.The volcanic debris has landed and piled up in some places to a depth of almost 2 feet, the Ministry of Interior and Public Safety said.New advisories say airborne ash could reach an altitude of 12,000 feet.There was no immediate information on the strength of the third eruption, but government officials have said the second, spectacular nighttime eruption was stronger than the first one.Last week in Ensenada, houses, trees and even sheep were blanketed gray with ash. People were removing salmon -- a staple of the local economy -- because of fears of contamination from ash and lava. Trucks were used to evacuate farm animals and pets.Residents briefly return before volcano erupts again-Authorities last week issued a red alert for the popular tourist towns of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas in southern Chile. Last week, people were being evacuated to Puerto Montt on 22 buses and military trucks, the Interior Ministry said.The first eruption set off a bit of a panic in the region."At the beginning, it was small, and later, the cloud grew. And later, there was a huge cloud over you and true terror starts," a Puerto Montt resident said.Another person said: "It was impressive to see an enormous mushroom cloud, with the immense force of the volcano, and to see the ashes. At that point, there was a lot of panic, lots of chaos, traffic jams, people going to supermarkets, everyone looking for water, trying to take out money from the ATMs."Magma expanse under Yellowstone supervolcano more vast than thought-The eruption is a first for many in the region. The last major eruption was in 1962. There was a minor eruption in 1972.Calbuco also belched out a bit of gas and smoke in 1996.
A volcano may be erupting off the Oregon coast, scientists say-Axial Seamount, an active underwater volcano about 300 miles off the coast of Oregon and Washington, appears to be erupting. The colors in the image correspond to depth. Warmer colors represent areas of less depth.Carli Brosseau | The Oregonian/OregonLive-April 30, 2015 at 6:15 PM
Three hundred miles off the Pacific Northwest coast, the seafloor has been rumbling.Over the past five months, there were hundreds of small earthquakes on most days at Axial Seamount.Then on April 24, there was a spike: nearly 8,000 earthquakes. The seafloor level dropped more than two meters. Temperatures rose.Scientists believe an underwater volcano is erupting.An eruption is not a threat to coastal residents, researchers say, because the earthquakes are small, mostly magnitude 1 or 2, and the seafloor movements are relatively gradual, so they won't cause a tsunami.The volcanic activity has no relationship to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which scientists watch closely for signs of a much larger and more destructive earthquake. To Bill Chadwick, an Oregon State University geologist, the eruption at Axial Seamount was not a surprise. He had predicted it would happen this year. He predicted the previous eruption, in 2011, too.Chadwick hopes the lessons he and his collaborator, Scott Nooner at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, learn from Axial Seamount can eventually be applied to volcanoes on land.Land volcanoes have thicker crusts and are influenced by large earthquakes and other nearby volcanoes, among other things, so predictions are more difficult, Chadwick said."Axial Seamount is a pure example, if you will," he said. "It has relatively simple plumbing."Chadwick and other scientists watch the signals at Axial Seamount in real-time via a cable laid out on the seafloor. The cable is part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative funded by the National Science Foundation.The instruments that sent back the volcano's measurements were installed only last summer, said Chadwick, who works out of OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport. He is also affiliated with NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory."Volcanoes like this have very fluid magma that is supplied from below, seemingly continuously," Chadwick said. "It's like a balloon filling with air. The seafloor actually rises -- that's what we're measuring."Super sensitive pressure sensors can detect shifts as small as two millimeters, he said.The earthquakes that University of Washington geologist Bill Wilcock detected are caused by magma forcing its way through the rock, Chadwick said.Though the signs seem to point to an eruption, it will likely be months before Chadwick can travel out to Axial Seamount to do the measurements that will say for sure. He has a trip planned for August.
Large Hadron Collider — Mysterious Object Detected In Tube-by 2Paragraphs in Daily Edition | April 29, 2015
The Large Hadron Collider will begin smashing protons again in June, according to Albert De Roeck, a physicist at CERN. The LHC, the largest machine ever constructed, completed a massive $149 million upgrade in April. The upgrade--two years in the making--will allow the LHC to generate far higher energy, which scientists believe will help them unravel ever greater mysteries about the universe and its origins.One concern De Roeck discussed is an "unidentified lying object" that could disrupt the accelerator's beam. says physicists believe it's something to be "cautiously aware of." It hasn't caused a problem in the testing so far. "The unidentified lying object turns out not to be a problem for the operation, it's just something to keep an eye on," De Roeck said. "It's in the vacuum tube and it's not a problem if it doesn't move and remains stable." And if it moves?
GENESIS 6:11-13
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.(WORLD TERRORISM,MURDERS)(HAMAS IN HEBREW IS VIOLENCE)
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (TERRORISM)(HAMAS) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Chile's Calbuco Volcano erupts for third time in 8 days-By Michael Martinez, CNN-Updated 4:49 PM ET, Thu April 30, 2015-"There is still smoke on and off," says resident with distant view-The volcano erupts for third time since April 22-About 1,500 people are evacuated, an official says, according to CNN Chile.
(CNN)Chile's Calbuco Volcano erupted again Thursday, marking the third time since last week, the National Service of Geology and Mining said.Gregorio Billikopf lives across Lake Llanquihue from the volcano has been photographing and videotaping the three eruptions and described Thursday's event as spectacular but not as severe as the two prior ones."There is still smoke on and off, but nothing so dramatic (as before)," said Billikopf, a retired university adviser on agricultural issues. "On a good day I can see about eight volcanoes."I understand that the rain that was announced for today would have been a disaster," he added.He lives in a rainy part of Chile, which he described as like a Garden of Eden.The explosion produced an extensive plume, but it was also described as smaller than the eruptions on April 22 and April 23, according to CNN Chile.Deputy Interior Minister Mahmud Aleuy said about 1,500 people were evacuated, and security measures will continue as "contingency plans are operating," CNN Chile reported Thursday.For the past several days, the geology agency has maintained there was a possibility of a third eruption as part of steadily declining seismic activity in the area.A 20-kilometer (12-mile) exclusion zone has been established around the crater, and Chilean authorities have been keeping residents away from that zone.Last week, military and police forces helped evacuate more than 4,400 residents, the Interior Ministry said then.The seismic event is sure to add to the volume of ash already spewed since the first eruption.Ash spread to Argentina in the second eruption, which occurred a day after the first.Evacuations in the region involved not only people but also animals.The volcanic debris has landed and piled up in some places to a depth of almost 2 feet, the Ministry of Interior and Public Safety said.New advisories say airborne ash could reach an altitude of 12,000 feet.There was no immediate information on the strength of the third eruption, but government officials have said the second, spectacular nighttime eruption was stronger than the first one.Last week in Ensenada, houses, trees and even sheep were blanketed gray with ash. People were removing salmon -- a staple of the local economy -- because of fears of contamination from ash and lava. Trucks were used to evacuate farm animals and pets.Residents briefly return before volcano erupts again-Authorities last week issued a red alert for the popular tourist towns of Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas in southern Chile. Last week, people were being evacuated to Puerto Montt on 22 buses and military trucks, the Interior Ministry said.The first eruption set off a bit of a panic in the region."At the beginning, it was small, and later, the cloud grew. And later, there was a huge cloud over you and true terror starts," a Puerto Montt resident said.Another person said: "It was impressive to see an enormous mushroom cloud, with the immense force of the volcano, and to see the ashes. At that point, there was a lot of panic, lots of chaos, traffic jams, people going to supermarkets, everyone looking for water, trying to take out money from the ATMs."Magma expanse under Yellowstone supervolcano more vast than thought-The eruption is a first for many in the region. The last major eruption was in 1962. There was a minor eruption in 1972.Calbuco also belched out a bit of gas and smoke in 1996.
A volcano may be erupting off the Oregon coast, scientists say-Axial Seamount, an active underwater volcano about 300 miles off the coast of Oregon and Washington, appears to be erupting. The colors in the image correspond to depth. Warmer colors represent areas of less depth.Carli Brosseau | The Oregonian/OregonLive-April 30, 2015 at 6:15 PM
Three hundred miles off the Pacific Northwest coast, the seafloor has been rumbling.Over the past five months, there were hundreds of small earthquakes on most days at Axial Seamount.Then on April 24, there was a spike: nearly 8,000 earthquakes. The seafloor level dropped more than two meters. Temperatures rose.Scientists believe an underwater volcano is erupting.An eruption is not a threat to coastal residents, researchers say, because the earthquakes are small, mostly magnitude 1 or 2, and the seafloor movements are relatively gradual, so they won't cause a tsunami.The volcanic activity has no relationship to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which scientists watch closely for signs of a much larger and more destructive earthquake. To Bill Chadwick, an Oregon State University geologist, the eruption at Axial Seamount was not a surprise. He had predicted it would happen this year. He predicted the previous eruption, in 2011, too.Chadwick hopes the lessons he and his collaborator, Scott Nooner at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, learn from Axial Seamount can eventually be applied to volcanoes on land.Land volcanoes have thicker crusts and are influenced by large earthquakes and other nearby volcanoes, among other things, so predictions are more difficult, Chadwick said."Axial Seamount is a pure example, if you will," he said. "It has relatively simple plumbing."Chadwick and other scientists watch the signals at Axial Seamount in real-time via a cable laid out on the seafloor. The cable is part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative funded by the National Science Foundation.The instruments that sent back the volcano's measurements were installed only last summer, said Chadwick, who works out of OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport. He is also affiliated with NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory."Volcanoes like this have very fluid magma that is supplied from below, seemingly continuously," Chadwick said. "It's like a balloon filling with air. The seafloor actually rises -- that's what we're measuring."Super sensitive pressure sensors can detect shifts as small as two millimeters, he said.The earthquakes that University of Washington geologist Bill Wilcock detected are caused by magma forcing its way through the rock, Chadwick said.Though the signs seem to point to an eruption, it will likely be months before Chadwick can travel out to Axial Seamount to do the measurements that will say for sure. He has a trip planned for August.
Large Hadron Collider — Mysterious Object Detected In Tube-by 2Paragraphs in Daily Edition | April 29, 2015
The Large Hadron Collider will begin smashing protons again in June, according to Albert De Roeck, a physicist at CERN. The LHC, the largest machine ever constructed, completed a massive $149 million upgrade in April. The upgrade--two years in the making--will allow the LHC to generate far higher energy, which scientists believe will help them unravel ever greater mysteries about the universe and its origins.One concern De Roeck discussed is an "unidentified lying object" that could disrupt the accelerator's beam. says physicists believe it's something to be "cautiously aware of." It hasn't caused a problem in the testing so far. "The unidentified lying object turns out not to be a problem for the operation, it's just something to keep an eye on," De Roeck said. "It's in the vacuum tube and it's not a problem if it doesn't move and remains stable." And if it moves?
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